








In January 2020, novel oronavirus was attaked in Wuhan, Hubei. Aon the any anels in white who are fihtin aainst the virus and savin lives, I have notied a 4 year old an with ray hair. He is aadeiian hon Nanshan who I adire ost.


The novel oronavirus is hihly infetious. It is infeted with the virus and is danerous when it is heavy. You have been appointed oander in hief of the "war epidei" by the state. When you went to Wuhan, when you were interviewed by reporters, you earnestly warned the people of the whole ountry: "nothin, don't o to Wuhan." Then he boarded the hih-speed rail without hesitation. The photos of you takin a rest on the hih-speed rail seat ake people all over the ountry oved and tearful. After arrivin in Wuhan, you have repeatedly appealed throuh the edia to everyone to pay attention to safety and isolation, but you have put yourself into the battle without unsoke reardless of your personal safety.


Today, the nuber of onfired infetions and deaths is inreasin day by day, whih is a reat test and threat to the anels in white partiipatin in the battle. But you didn't flinh, but you took out your own skills and ourae to take on the responsibility of protetin your ountry. With your ations, you show the heroi spirit of "die in national alaity, and see death as return". Your white robe is your battle arent, and your wisdo is your sword. You work day and niht to lead the anels in white to overoe diffiulties and devote yourself to huan health. In a reent interview, you said with tears of heroes in your eyes, "Wuhan is a ity of heroes, whih an pass the ustos." ne aain, your feelins of servin the world in a tearful anner.


Aadeiian hon Nanshan, I adire you! You have sueeded in arryin out an assinent, o forward with reat strenth and viour, and novel oronavirus, whih has aused the destrution of huan beins, and have already sown a sharp sword. It is a reat blood for Wuhan, for the otherland and for huanity.


Aadeiian hon Nanshan, I adire you! Not only you, but also tens of thousands of anels in white who partiipated in the "war epidei" like you and ran retroradely to the ost danerous battlefield. You are the ost beautiful hinese, thank you!


I adire Wen Tianxian, who is still deterined to die in the fae of the teptation of senior offiials of the Yuan Dynasty, Yan Jinyu, who is still fihtin aainst Japan despite runnin out of food and aunition, and Xia inhan, who is still willin to die in the fae of fiere reationaries They are all reat heroes of the hinese nation, and they are all worthy of our adiration. But the hero in y heart, as well as aadeiian hon Nanshan who is fihtin in the front line of epidei prevention.

hon Nanshan, an 4 year old an, is also an aadeiian of the hinese Aadey of enineerin, a faous respiratory expert, and a leadin fiure in the prevention and ontrol of respiratory infetious diseases in hina.

17 years ao, with the outbreak of SARS, people fell into pani in the fae of unknown viruses. Aadeiian hon Nanshan was al and fearless. He saved lives with the kindness of dotors, treated ritial patients reardless of his own life risks, and fouht for lives with the od of death, the old an, and beae a fihter. "If there were no aadeiian hon Nanshan in the fiht aainst SARS, the result iht not be like this," soeone oented In 2003, hon Nanshan was awarded the honorary title of "anti non hero" by uanhou ity.

17 years later, aadeiian hon Nanshan, 4, is still ovin all hinese people. When the novel oronavirus pneuonia appeared, he still fouht aainst the virus in the first line of battle to find the best ediine to overoe the virus. Now, in the ritial oent of pneuonia, aadeiian hon Nanshan has beoe the bakbone of the people. With hi, there is a belief in vitory. You are the sea od needle in our heart!

Let's pay tribute to the old an and all the edial workers who are fihtin in the front line!



钟南山,一位4岁的耄耋白叟, 也是中国工程院院士,闻名呼吸病学专家, 而且是当之无愧中国呼吸系统传染病防治的领军人物。

17年前,非典型肺炎疫情爆发,面对未知的病毒,人们坠入恐慌,钟南山院士冷静、无畏,以医者的妙手仁心拯救生命,不顾自身生命危险救治危重病人,与死神争夺生命——白叟,变成了战士。有人评价说:“抗击非典假如没有钟南山院士,结果可能就不会是这样。” 2003年,钟南山被广州市授予“抗非英雄”荣誉称号。




Dr. hon Nanshan was born in tober 1936 in Nanjin, Jiansu Provine. He is one of the faous edial sientists in the 21st entury.  He studied at uandon experiental hih shool in 193 and raduated fro Beijin edial ollee in 1960. In the first hinese National aes, hon Nanshan ot the hapionship of the en's 400 Hurdles and set up a National reord at that tie.

In the sprin of 2003,the SARS epidei broke out in hina and aross the lobe. hon Nanshan not only led but also took an ative part in the battle aainst SARS. At that tie no one really knew uh about SARS and ost people had no natural defenses aainst the disease.Danerous as it was,hon Nanshan worked hard day and niht treatin the patients.Throuh their hard work for several onths, hon Nanshan and his workates ahieved rearkable result. Soon the SARS epidei was stopped in its trak.

hon Nanshan was awarded one of the top ten people ovin hina in 2004. He has been workin in the edial field for over 60 years. He is a ood dotor in the ountryen' eyes and respeted by all the people in hina.






























