词语大全 果不其然的意思_成语“果不其然”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 果不其然的意思_成语“果不其然”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 果不其然的意思_成语“果不其然”是什么意思

2、词语大全 果不其然造句_果不其然中英文解释和造句

词语大全 果不其然的意思_成语“果不其然”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音guǒ bù qí rán
成语解释 然:H绱恕9蝗绱恕V腹徊怀鏊。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 紧缩式
成语用法 作谓语、分句;指果然不出所料。
产生年代 近代
典故出处 清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第三回:“我说:‘姑老爷今非昔比,少不得有人把银子送上门来给他用,只怕姑老爷还不稀罕。’,今日果不其然。”
成语例句 老舍《骆驼祥子》:“我就早知道吗,他一跑起来就不顾命,早晚是得出点岔儿。~!”
近 义 词 果然如此 不出所料
英文翻译 really <just as one would expect; right enough>
俄文翻译 так онó и вышло

词语大全 果不其然造句_果不其然中英文解释和造句

果不其然  guǒ bù qí rán







  • 我猜下午要下雨,果不其然,下了。 I predicted that it would rain this afternoon. As epected, it rained.

  • 果不其然,这正是我后来慢慢知道的。 I was to learn that this was indeed true.

  • 果不其然,今天早上一上Q,就收到了消息。 Just as one would expect, go up this morning Q, received an information.

  • 果不其然,那也是一个堪称平等的增长时期。 Sure enough, it was also an era of equable growth.

  • 果不其然,一切都在意料之中,我真的把我的英语挂了。 Indeed, everything expected, I really fail my CET.

  • 果不其然,在大约一百万欧元到手后,船员就被释放了。 And indeed, after a million or so euros changed hands, the crew were freed.

  • 果不其然,在审判结束时陪审团宣布其故意杀人罪名成立。 Sure enough, at the close of the trial the jury declared him guilty of manslaughter.

  • 果不其然,三组内年轻雄鼠的状况相对良好——仅死亡一只。 As might be expected, the young mice in each of the three groups fared relatively well;

  • 果不其然,只有7%同意演化是真相(以及创造论是空话)。 Not surprisingly, only 7 percent agreed on the veracity of evolution (and the emptiness of creationism).

  • 果不其然,据报道中巴两国也在致力于签订自己的核合作协议。 Indeed, China and Pakistan are reportedly working towards a nuclear co-operation agreement of their own.

  • 果不其然,美国经济再次陷入衰退,直至二战期间才完全复苏。 Sure enough, the economy slumped again, and full recovery had to wait for World War II.

  • 果不其然,彼得在千钧一发之际赶到,在温迪落水前抓住了她。 Sure enough, Peter arrived just in good time to catch Wendy before she hit the water.

  • 果不其然,我还没有转身,又有一只手伸了过来,爱人无奈的摇摇头。 Indeed, I have not turned, and stretched a hand over, helpless wife shook her head.

  • 几个月过去了,果不其然,沃利仰望天空,找到了那群队形整齐的北归野鸭。 Several months went by and sure enough Wally looked up and spotted the flock of wild ducks in formation heading north.

  • 妳是否曾感觉怪怪的被人盯上了?妳转身一看,果不其然,有人正在盯着妳看。 Have you ever had the strange feeling that you were being watched? You turned around and , sure enough, someone was looking right at you!

  • 果不其然,他好像有点儿寻求解决办法的意思:“告诉我,是钥匙断了还是锁坏了?” Sure enough, he seemed interested in finding a solution: “Tell me, was it the key or the lock that broke?”

  • 我就这么做了,果不其然,我抵挡它们的能力回归到我的身上,这是与火元素有关的。 I did, and low and behold it came back to me, my ability to fend them of, and it was related to the fire element.

  • 之后发生的事,果不其然。但就在第二天,我们换了辆车,选了另一条路,又回到了贵屿镇。 And we were. But the next day, in a different car and on a different road, we got in.

  • 到了机场,果不其然几声尖叫。我们终于汇合了,接下来所要做的,只是静静的等,然后相遇。 As expert ed, they screamed for our’s arrival. we finally got together. The next thing we should do was waiting and meeting.

  • 果不其然,日前中国移动总裁王建宙证实,中国移动与苹果的合作,“只剩下工作层面的问题”。 Sure enough, China moved president Wang Jianzhou to confirm the other day that China moves and the apple cooperation, is only left over the work stratification plane the question.

  • 果不其然,由于白夏布很薄,萤火虫的光可以透出来,再把这个布袋子吊起来,就成了一盏照明灯了。 Sure enough, due to thin white linen, fireflies light can be disclosed to, then hung up the bag the child, it bees one of the lights.

  • 果不其然,4年后的郑洁更加成熟出色,两个6∶1,她不费吹灰之力横扫日本老将,赢下了这场亚洲德比。 Sure enough, 4 year later Zheng Jie is maturer splendidly, two 6∶1, she does not spend the small effort to sweep away the Japanese veteran, won this Asian Derby.

  • 果不其然,我们看到了沮丧的葡萄牙队球员在与法国队的交战中屡屡破门乏术无功而返,因为他们的演技没能再度奏效。 Again we saw it in the France v Portugal game the more frustrated Portugal got Because they could not score the more acting came into it.

  • 果不其然,尤文对卡塔尼亚是场平局,此后在明斯克的冠军杯中,差点就被对手鲍里索夫吞下,之后又在主场输给巴勒莫。 Indeed, Ewing was a draw against Catania, after the Champions Cup in Minsk, the opponent was almost Borisov swallow, then lost to Palermo at home.

  • 果不其然,就在伍兹回归高尔夫球场的后一天,美国政府因为丰田公司在应对安全顾虑上的拖沓,对其罚款超过1600万美元。 Indeed, just the day after Mr Woods made his return to golf, the American government fined Toyota over $16m for its tardiness in addressing safety concerns.

  • 果不其然。乔布斯禁止程序员使用跨平台的设计工具,比如Adobe’sFlash,微软NET等,编写Iphone程序。 No surprise, then, that Mr Jobs has banned programmers from writing i Phone apps using cross-platform programming tools like Adobe’s Flash and Microsoft’s .

  • 众议院已通过了一项旨在封顶碳排放量的提案,提案包括落实购买可再生能源责任,但是AWEA(果不其然)认为提案要求太低。 The House of Representatives has passed a bill aiming to cap carbon emissions, which includes an obligation to buy renewables, but the AWEA (unsurprisingly) thinks it too modest.

  • 果不其然,所有共产主义的无意义誓言和口号都是关于人的,这个带着一个大写M的人(人类的英文单词为man)和人的俗世幸福。 Not by coincidence all of munism’s meaningless pledges and oaths are about Man, with a capital M, and his earthly happiness.

  • 整个大学期间,卡维佐用扮相模仿别人来娱乐同学们和老师,因此,他的教练就竭力推荐他尝试一下演戏,果不其然,他就乐此不疲。 Throughout college, Caviezel had enjoyed entertaining his friends by mimicking classmates and teachers. So his coach remended he try acting. He did and really enjoyed it.

  • 果不其然,他们温存了整整一晚上,直到黎明方休;与此同时,她的那只猫拨弄著曼陀林,把这乐器在地板上滚来滚去,发出阵阵沉闷的声响。 And so she did, all night and into the dawn while her cat stroked the mandolin, making wooden sounds, rolling the instrument around and around on the floor.

  • 果不其然造句相关



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