词语大全 摇身一变造句_摇身一变中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:于今腐草无萤火,终古垂杨有暮鸦。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 摇身一变造句_摇身一变中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 摇身一变造句_摇身一变中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 寸草不留造句_寸草不留中英文解释和造句

词语大全 摇身一变造句_摇身一变中英文解释和造句

摇身一变  yáo shēn yī biàn








  • 枯树摇身一变成为美丽的彩虹。 The dead tree has bee a beautiful rainbow.

  • 后来摇身一变成了厨师,用所有的积蓄投资了一个新餐馆。 who recently invested all the money he ever earned in a new restaurant…

  • 经过卅年的开发,海口市摇身一变,也成了高楼耸立的大都市。 After 30 years of development, Hainan’s Haikou City has bee quite built up.

  • 进入模拟招聘环节,叶先生收起和蔼可亲的形象,摇身一变严肃面试官。 In the mock recruitment part, the usually nice Mr. Yip bees a stern interviewer.

  • 一个本是华鼎世家的升级版摇身一变,成为今天面貌全新的都市心海岸。 Erju This is an upgraded version of a Huadingshijie have been transformed into today face new Dushixinhaian.

  • 在上海市静安区的高级商务住宅区内,许多“烂尾楼”摇身一变成为星级公寓。 In Shanghai Jingan District Senior Commercial residential areas, many of the “unpleted flats” have been transformed into a five-star apartments.

  • 然而,因为它把所有这些东西都结合了起来,它便摇身一变,被人们看作是诸神之一。 But because it bines all of these things, people think it one of the gods!

  • 次年拉各斯特中将就摇身一变,成为国际足联的副主席,并在这个位置上一待就是四年。 The following year Admiral Lacoste became a vice-president of FIFA and held the position for four years.

  • 有的甚至根本就不懂地板的装修技术,竟然摇身一变成了专业的装修师傅,结果可想而知。 Some do not even understand floor’s repair technology, changed unexpectedly specialized has repaired skilled worker, the result it can be imagined.

  • 你自以为很了解一个人,会突然之间,摇身一变成了一个古怪、邪恶的怪物,让你震惊不已。 When you thought you knew a person and then you are suddenly confronted with this alien, nasty creature for the first time, you are in for quite a shock.

  • 许多目睹盖茨在美国反垄断案表现的人,对他摇身一变成为解决全球健康问题的慈善家感到惊奇。 Gates witnessed many in the United States antitrust case performance of the people, he transformed into solving global health problems philanthropist surprised.

  • 近两天,资本市场的调整,让有色概念这个宠儿摇身一变成了弃儿,因为有色行业整体业绩不佳。 The past two days, the adjustment of the capital market so that the concept of the favorite color into a pariah, as the poor performance of non-ferrous industry as a whole.

  • 自从在《每日秀》节目中摇身一变成为苏珊·波伊尔后,英国首相戈登·布朗在美国的人气意外大涨。 Gordon Brown’s profile in America was given an unlikely boost when he was transformed into Susan Boyle on The Daily Show.

  • 主人公为麻省理工学院的教授米奇罗沙(凯文斯贝斯)。他白天授课而晚上却摇身一变成为职业赌徒。 The master of proceedings is Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey), MIT professor by day and gambling entrepreneur by night.

  • 那个夏天,我们升入了六年级,六年级其他班级的班队课,也随之摇身一变,成了令人厌恶的语文课。 That summer, we enter the sixth grade, sixth grade class the other teams class class, also transformed, being offensive language lessons.

  • 但几年之后,他发现自己又开始为其老东家工作了——原来的汉诺威选帝侯摇身一变成了英王乔治一世。 A few years later he found himself working for his old boss again when the elector of Hanover became King George I.

  • 有它撑腰,并凭借在美国的几项并购,JBS-Friboi公司摇身一变为全球最大的蛋白质制造商。 It has supported JBS-Friboi’s transformation into the world’s largest producer of protein, which the pany has acplished through acquisitions in America.

  • 为了庆祝2005年圣诞节的来临,大楼换上了难得一见的圣诞树灯光装饰,摇身一变成为世界上最高的圣诞树。 To celebrate 2005 Xmas, the building temporarily uses a special lighting decoration and turns into world’s tallest Xmas tree.

  • 在1990期间,随着上海市经济建设等各个方面的蒸蒸日上,周先生摇身一变,跨入上海最大的房地产商的行列。 During the 1990s, Mr. Zhou became one of the city’s biggest real estate developers as the city was in the midst of a stunning run of growth.

  • 通过灵活的金属丝框架,这个垃圾箱可以存放各种大小的塑料袋,因此他就摇身一变成了外观别致功能强大的垃圾箱了。 With its flexible wire frame, the bin can hold any size plastic bag, thus transforming itself into and elegant and very functional waste bin.

  • 猴王率众腾出阵营,与二郎神一场好杀。两人斗经三百余合,不分胜负。二郎神摇身一变,变得身高万丈,朝大圣猛砍。 The Monkey King fought more than three hundred rounds with God Erh-lang. Then God Erh-lang stretched himself ten thousand feet high to better attack Wu-k’ung.

  • 非常喜欢前插,从中场球员摇身一变成前锋。和莫斯科交过手的教练都知道:“你看住了罗斯科夫,你就瘫痪了火车头队。” Likes to get forward from a midfield role to join the strikers, and most rival coaches agree that if you stop Loskov, you stop Lokomotiv.

  • 许多天主教人士无法相信,也不愿承认曾经受到传教士提携的金童如今竟然摇身一变,成了恶魔。因此,他们仍然拥护着他。 Many in the Catholic church, unable or unwilling to admit that the golden boy educated by missionaries was turning into a monster, continued to endorse him.

  • 它感到沿小路而来的行人给自己带来了威胁,摇身一变,成了一只会叮人的甲虫,然后变成了一只臭虫,最后变成了一只火蜥蜴。 Feeling threatened by the approach of human beings along the path, it metamorphosed into a stingray beetle, then into a stench-puffer, then into a fiery salamander.

  • 本报讯 从山东拉来2。5元/斤的散装酒到淮安后,经过简单的勾兑,到酒店“摇身一变”,成为百十元左右的“中高档酒”。 By drawing from Shandong to 2. 5 yuan / jin of bulk wine to Huai’an, after a simple blending, the hotel “transformed” into Baishi the yuan, “Gao Dangjiu.

  • 在加拿大的时候,我十几岁就目睹一个开明的领导在权力受到威胁时摇身一变而成为暴君,因为权力的首要任务就是要永远延续下去。 In Canada, when I was a teenager, I saw how even an enlightened leader could bee a tyrant when his power was threatened. Because power’s first imperative is to perpetuate itself.

  • 在当时的小说里,这一难题常常由最后一页的重大发现得以圆满地解决:原先 一文不名的 女主人摇身一变,成了巨额财富的继承人。 In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress.

  • 在金融危机的大背景下,他在国际货币基金组织发挥的作用使其一扫2007年社会党总统候选人竞争失利的阴霾,转而摇身一变,成为国际政坛的风云人物。 Thanks to the crisis, the IMF job has transformed a losing contender for the 2007 Socialist presidential nomination into a figure of international stature.

  • 在加利利海边,耶稣不但令一艘渔船摇身一变,成为海上的讲台,也令一位渔夫摇身一变,成为一个福音的宣教士 一个「得人的渔夫」(参马太福音4:19)。 On the shores of Galilee, Jesus not only turned a fishing boat into a floating pulpit; he also turned a fisherman into an evangelist–a “fisher of men” (see Matthew 4:19).

  • 肖恩·博伊恩是军事杂志《简氏军事评论》的记者,他在1997年写的文章经过政府的“一番取舍”,竟摇身一变出现在了一份长达19页的政府文件中,为首相布莱尔的战争主张摇旗呐喊。 Mr Boyne, who works for military magazine Jane’s Intelligence Review. Articles he wrote in 1997 were plagiarized for a 19-page intelligence document to add weight to the PM’s warmongering.

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    词语大全 摇身一变   [yáo shēn yī biàn]什么意思

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    词语大全 八戒会变一变十字谜及答案(猜字一),八戒会变一变十字谜及答案(猜字一)

      八戒会变一变十. (猜字一)  字谜:八戒会变一变十. (猜字一)  答案:【械】

    词语大全 出自于四大名著中的成语有哪些

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