词语大全 日甚一日造句_日甚一日中英文解释和造句

Posted 仇敌

篇首语:直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 日甚一日造句_日甚一日中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 日甚一日造句_日甚一日中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 有朝一日造句_有朝一日中英文解释和造句

词语大全 日甚一日造句_日甚一日中英文解释和造句

日甚一日  rì shèn yī rì






  • 所以社会的黑暗,学术的败坏,皆日甚一日。 Therefore, the darkness of society, academic corruption, are growing.

  • 资产阶级日甚一日地消灭生产资料、财产和人口的分散状态。 the scattered state of the population, of the means of production, and of property.

  • 资产阶级日甚一日地消灭生产资料、财产和人口的分散状态。 The bourgeoisie keeps more and more doing away with the scattered state of the population, of the means of production, and of property.

  • 在全球化日甚一日的今天,对于其中所隐含的同一和霸权它仍是一枚重磅炸弹。 To the hegemony and sameness implied in today’s increasing globalization, it is still a heavy bomb.

  • 彼此不信任的风险在战略核武器和太空领域尤为严重,在网络空间也日甚一日。 The risks of mistrust are especially acute in the arena of strategic nuclear weapons, space, and increasingly in the cyber realm.

  • 我感激上苍赋予我现有的一切,更感恩我之即将拥有,因为,我爱你日甚一日。 Blessed is what I am right now, and blessed I am going to stay, because it seems to me I love you more each and everyday!

  • 随着这些全球性网络获得越来越进一步的发展,世界将日甚一日地变得更“小”。 As these global networks bee even further developed, the world will bee even “smaller” than it is today.

  • 另一方面,人类将由于信息科技的进步而趋于退化,其惰性或局限性将日甚一日地表现出来; On the other hand, the human will as a result of the progress of information technology tend to degradation, or the limitations of its inertia will be demonstrated growing;

  • 而且,一个人愈是拖延退拒诱惑,其软弱也必日甚一日,而仇敌打击他的力量也就日渐增强了。 And the longer a man delays in resisting, so much the weaker does he bee each day, while the strength of the enemy grows against him.

  • 人退诱惑懈怠拖延越久,他的软弱, 也日甚一日,仇敌攻打他也更猛烈。有人才回头,就受大诱惑; The longer anyone has been slothful in resisting, so much the weaker he bees, daily in himself, and the enemy, so much the stronger in him.

  • 在中国,长期以来,人文学在教育理念上被边缘化,更为严重的是,这种情况还在日甚一日不断恶化。 Unfortunately, humanities education in China has been marginalized – and all the more so as time goes by.

  • 当时,人们对现状的不满日甚一日,影片成功地反映了在越战不断升级的60年代,美国青年的无政府状态。 There was already a growing dissatisfaction with the status quo, and the film mirrored that anarchic mood perfectly for America’s youth of the 60s during the escalation of the Vietnam War.

  • 由于日军侵略造成的教育危机日甚一日,国内教育界为此爆发了一场是坚持“战时”教育还是“平时”教育的大讨论。 Because Japanese invaded, the education crisis was increasingly serious too, Chinese educational circles broke out a big discussion for insisting ” wartime”education or ” peacetime” educational.

  • 民国初年上海的人口拐卖现象日甚一日,不仅给普通的下层民众造成了深重的苦难,也给整个社会的正常发展带来了严重的危害。 There were lots of kidnapping cases in Shanghai society and the kidnapping brought serious harm to the normal development of society.

  • 10月3日悉尼电——伴随着今年澳大利亚首起丛林火灾在澳国家森林中的蔓延,澳大利亚人对气候变化及其影响的担忧也在日甚一日。 SYDNEY, Australia, Oct. 3— As the first bush fires of the year rage through Australia’s national forests, concern over climate change and its effects is intensifying among Australians.

  • 日甚一日造句相关


    词语大全 有朝一日造句_有朝一日中英文解释和造句

    有朝一日  yǒu zhāo yī rì







  • 你能想象有朝一日住在月球上吗? Can you imagine living on the moon one day?

  • 他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家。 He dreams of one day being a famous violinist.

  • 我希望能有朝一日参观巴黎。 I hope to visit Paris some day.

  • 缩微胶卷甚至可能有朝一日取代图书馆。 Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day.

  • 有朝一日我想去游览巴黎。 I want to visit Paris some day.

  • 有朝一日,他会成为一名杰出的工程师。 Some day he will bee an excellent engineer.

  • 主要的是,我想有朝一日总会证明你是正确的。 The main thing is, I think you’ll be vindicated eventually.

  • 有朝一日家庭将由安装在地下室里的小反应堆供热。 The time will e when homes will be heated from a small reactor in the basement.

  • 答案很简单:密道顿有朝一日可能成为凯萨琳王妃。 The answer is simple: Middleton may very well one day be Queen Catherine.

  • 做母亲的最终任务是为孩子有朝一日离开你做好准备。 The ultimate job of a mother is to prepare your child to leave you.

  • 我希望有朝一日这些照片中的某些会出现在竞选广告里。 I hope some of those photos turn up in campaign ads one day.

  • 我姐姐目前担任银行出纳,但是她希望有朝一日能成为经理。 Right now my sister is a teller. But she wants to be a bank manager one day.

  • 我坚信,有朝一日,我们在这里所学的知识必将登陆火星或月球。 I have no doubt that someday what is learned here will land on Mars or the Moon.

  • 老布什总统说,他的父母从未想到过他的儿子会有朝一日成为总统。 The elder President Bush says his father never considered the possibility that his son might bee president.

  • 多年来,我一直有个梦想就是有朝一日能有机会提高自己的英语水平。 I had a dream that someday I’ll have a chance to improve my English.

  • 与其在炼焦煤问题上纠缠,西方有朝一日也许会针对一切失衡中最大的失衡。 Instead of pussyfooting around with coking coal, the west may one day address the most egregious imbalance of all.

  • 假如有朝一日,向美国输送石油的渠道被切断,整个国家的国民经济将陷入停滞。 If the flow of fossil fuels to the United States were ever cut off, the economy would e to a halt.

  • 我想象著自己有朝一日也能在那座尊奉荷马和莎士比亚为圣的神殿之中占有一席之地。 I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and Shakespeare are consecrated.

  • 如果孩子们有朝一日成为世界的主人,他们最希望禁用刀和枪支,还会延长学校假期。 If children ran the world they would most want to ban knives and guns and have more school holidays.

  • 种子已经撒下去,有朝一日会生长起来,一个真正团结一致的民族将要获得光荣的新生。 The seed has been sown that will grow one day to the glorious rebirth of truly united nation.

  • 这个球馆依然咄咄逼人,我真希望能有朝一日我们来这里打球而这个球馆没有准备好嘘死我们。 The building was alive, and I wish for once we could show up here and not have the building so ready for us.

  • 奥巴马曾经开玩笑说,给他起“侯赛因”这个中间名的人显然没有想到他有朝一日会竞选总统。 Barack Obama once joked he got his middle name – Hussein – from someone who obviously didn’t think he’d ever run for president.

  • 应用这些信息,我们有朝一日可能创造出人工智能,它们的思想和经验意识方式与人脑没有什么区别。 With that information we might someday be able to create artificial intelligences that think and experience consciousness in ways that are indistinguishable from a human brain .

  • 而另一方面我们又推迟我们的喜悦感、规定的优先权,以及幸福感,常常说服自己“有朝一日”会比今天更好。 On the flip side, we also postpone our gratification, our stated priorities, and our happiness, often convincing ourselves that “someday” will be better than today.

  • 我们每个人都有自己的梦想,并希望它有朝一日能够得以实现,然而,能够真正让梦想实现的人,又有几个呢? We all have our own dreams and hope one day they will e true. However, how many of us could really realize those dreams?

  • 但是有个解决这一问题的办法就是蚂蚁自身,它们体内形成携带的病毒。这种病毒有朝一日可以控制它们的数量。 But one solution could e from the ants themselves, in the form of a virus that some of them carry. This virus may someday help control the population.

  • “我当然希望自己有朝一日可以作为教练的身份回到这里,能够得到拉法在这方面的承诺我很高兴,”海皮亚说。 “I’d like to e back to Liverpool one day as a coach, and it was great to hear the manager would like me to return, ” said Hyypia.

  • 初步研究也暗示:有朝一日,这些药物可能成为预防方法,让癌症高危险群的人士服用,在一开始就杜绝恶性肿瘤的产生。 Preliminary studies also hint that the agents might one day be delivered as a preventive measure to block malignancies from arising in the first place in people at risk for cancer.

  • 实际上,如果有朝一日底特律终将被买葬,那么在入葬之际,我倒希望所有现任与前任的参议员与代表们来为这具灵柩送葬。 Indeed, if and when they do have to bury Detroit, I hope that all the current and past representatives and senators from Michigan have to serve as pallbearers.

  • 我的生命毋庸置疑地将会结束,有一天我一定会死。那么「在那之后」是甚么呢?完全「不存在」了吗?消逝得无影无踪了吗?就像整个宇宙有朝一日将燃烧殆尽吗? It is certain that my life will have an end, that I must die some day. What will be after that? Simply “nothing”? Fading without a trace? Just as the entire universe will some day burn out?

  • 有朝一日造句相关



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