词语大全 明察秋毫造句_明察秋毫中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 明察秋毫造句_明察秋毫中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 秋毫无犯造句_秋毫无犯中英文解释和造句

词语大全 明察秋毫造句_明察秋毫中英文解释和造句

明察秋毫  míng chá qiū háo








  • 他能明察秋毫,他注意到一切事物。 He has a good eye for detail; he notices everything.

  • 法官明察秋毫地判小偷入狱。 The judge, capable of keen perception, sentenced the thief to jail.

  • 明察秋毫几乎一切事情都注意到了。 He has a good eye for detail and notices almost everything.

  • 明察秋毫,几乎一切事情都注意到了。 He has a good eye for detail and notices almost everything.

  • 这篇论文的毛病是明察秋毫而不见舆薪。 The trouble with the thesis is that it strains at a gnat and swallows a camel.

  • 这位法官真是明察秋毫。 Everything is seen as clear as crystal to the judge.

  • 并且头脑发热的复仇可能冲淡那种明察秋毫。 And robust scrutiny could give way to hotheaded revenge.

  • 真正的直觉是来自你对不同事物的明察秋毫。 It’s, it’s really intuition and instinct because of all the different things you’re sensing.

  • 然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。 Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative.

  • 你真是明察秋毫,问题的原因这么快就找出来了。 of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly.

  • 你真是明察秋毫,问题的原因这么快就找出来了。 It was very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly.

  • 你真是明察秋毫,问题的原因这么快就找出来了。 It is very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly.

  • 你真是明察秋毫, 问题的原因这么快就找出来了。 It was very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quick ly.

  • 你真是明察秋毫, 问题的原因这么快就找出来了。 perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly.

  • 阿里巴巴董事局主席马云,显然也是其中一位“明察秋毫”的人。 Alibaba Ma Yun of trustee bureau chairman, also be apparently among them ” be perceptive of the slightest ” person.

  • 利普曼对这一地区的政治琐事有着敏锐的嗅觉,并能做到明察秋毫。 Mr Lippman has a nose for the political nuances of the region and a good eye for detail.

  • 在这条艰辛买房路上潜伏著不少陷阱,你需要明察秋毫,步步为营。 In this difficult obstacles on the road ahead, many pitfalls, you need to eliminate, the step-by-step.

  • 此番举动在法律上的确符合行动守则的规定,但欧盟仍将明察秋毫。 Such moves technically ply with the code of conduct, but the EU is watching them warily.

  • 他的贫民窟小说以明察秋毫的笔触绘制了一副副真实的穷人和贫民窟的生活。 Most of his novels give a realistic description of slum life and poor people with penetrating details.

  • 对此,购房签约时,必须明察秋毫,规定某年某月某日交房并注明延期责任。 Therefore, the purchase contract, it is important enough to require a specific date in a specific month endorsed and annotated Extension responsibility.

  • 猛然想到,只有他高高在上,普照一切,明察秋毫,天底下发生的任何事情,都不可能逃过他的双眼。 Suddenly thought that only high above him, all weather, perspicacious, anything that happened on earth, can not escape his eyes.

  • 进入每位病人的房间后,住院医给病人量血压,做记录,看病人的情况有无变化,这项工作需要明察秋毫。 Going into each patient’s room, the resident checked and noted blood pressure and looked for changes in his or her condition. The work required great alertness.

  • 亨利没上,进攻就交给了怕金。他打得非常好。他敏锐,机智,明察秋毫,在禁区内给对手施加了不少麻烦。 Sunday and he played very well. He was sharp, alert and made some great passes in and around the box.

  • 以后,包公当了开封知府,就凭这块宝境,夜断阴,日断阳,明察秋毫,查清了无数疑案,为老百姓伸张正义。 Later, when the Kaifeng Zhi Fu Bao Gong, Jiuping this-Habitat, overcast night off, off, , Mingchaqiuhao, identified numerous Doubtful Case, for the ordinary people of justice.

  • 不过,马伯格知道自己有「明察秋毫」的责任,协助政府官员避免「重蹈覆辙」,做出他到任前那些尴尬的错误声明。 But Marburger does see his office serving as a faux pas detector, helping to avoid the awkward misstatements by administration officials that preceded his arrival.

  • 经过一番“明察秋毫”之后,记者发现今天的发展商在产品质量方面确实是越来越重视了,说是“精益求精”并不过分。 After “careful”, a reporter found in today’s developers is increasing emphasis on quality products, said it was “better” is not excessive.

  • 伯纳克将会对任何有利于布什政府的机会明察秋毫,抓住时机做出相应的行为;对于不利于假想中的民主党的机会也是如此。 Mr Bernanke can expect to have his actions closely scrutinised for any sign of helping the Bush administration—or hurting any hypothetical Democratic administrations of the future.

  • 如果不是幸存者和现场目击者立即提出强烈质疑,如果不是安监总局负责人明察秋毫,这曲“瞒报”闹剧可能还不会立马谢幕。 If not survivors and witnesses at the scene immediately lodged a strong challenge, if not Anjian Office for Mingchaqiuhao, this song “-reporting” farce may not be immediately curtain call.

  • 而且有人更为明察秋毫,竟注意到 红眼 最伤人之际莫过于被嫉妒者正踌躇满志或春风得意之时,因为那种得意劲儿会使炉火燃得更旺。 Nay, some have been so curious, as to note, that the times when the stroke or percussion of an envious eye doth most hurt, are when the party envied is beheld in glory or triumph;

  • 人们总是习惯对自己的苦难闭口不提,所以一般人可能不知道事态如何,但作为明察秋毫的双鱼,你可能已经发现蛛丝马迹了,一旦你发现事态恶化,你会立即伸出你的援助之手。 You may not even know the extent of what is going on, as most people conceal their hardships. Pisces is quite prescient, however, so you may begin to connect the dots yourself.

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    词语大全 秋毫无犯造句_秋毫无犯中英文解释和造句

    秋毫无犯  qiū háo wú fàn








  • 脱离人民的无纪律状态,改变为建设在自觉原则上的秋毫无犯的纪律; to change the indiscipline which alienates the army from the people into conscious discipline which forbids the slightest violation of the people’s interests;

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    利析秋毫  lìxīqiūháo利析秋毫的意思和解释:形容管理财务极细心、精明。利析秋毫的出处《史记·平准书》:“故三人言利,事析秋毫矣。”利析秋毫的例子利析秋毫造句利析秋毫造句相

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    秋毫无犯  qiūháowúfàn秋毫无犯的意思和解释:秋毫:鸟兽秋天新换的绒毛,比喻极细微的东西;犯:侵犯。指军纪严明,丝毫不侵犯人民的利益。秋毫无犯的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“

    词语大全 秋毫无犯造句_秋毫无犯中英文解释和造句

    秋毫无犯  qiūháowúfàn秋毫无犯的意思和解释:秋毫:鸟兽秋天新换的绒毛,比喻极细微的东西;犯:侵犯。指军纪严明,丝毫不侵犯人民的利益。秋毫无犯的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“

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    秋毫之末  qiūháozhīmò秋毫之末的意思和解释:鸟兽在秋天新长的细毛的尖端。比喻极微小的东西或极细微的地方。秋毫之末的出处《孟子·梁惠王上》:“明足以察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪

    词语大全 秋毫之末造句_秋毫之末中英文解释和造句

    秋毫之末  qiūháozhīmò秋毫之末的意思和解释:鸟兽在秋天新长的细毛的尖端。比喻极微小的东西或极细微的地方。秋毫之末的出处《孟子·梁惠王上》:“明足以察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪

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    明察暗访  míngcháànfǎng明察暗访的意思和解释:从明里细心察看,从暗里询问了解。指用各种方法朝廷调查研究。明察暗访的出处清·吴趼人《痛史》第十一回:“我住在此处,徒占一

    词语大全 明察暗访造句_明察暗访中英文解释和造句

    明察暗访  míngcháànfǎng明察暗访的意思和解释:从明里细心察看,从暗里询问了解。指用各种方法朝廷调查研究。明察暗访的出处清·吴趼人《痛史》第十一回:“我住在此处,徒占一