词语大全 free speech中文翻譯

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词语大全 free speech中文翻譯

Free speech is crippled all the way .

Jury agrees doggie doo can be free speech

Thankfully , my grade school and junior high school both offered free speech therapy

" free speech is not an excuse to discriminate when government action or funding is involved , " said plaintiff attorney morton sklar
他還說: “當涉及政府行為或資助時,言論將不能成為歧視的借口。 ”

In defending free speech , ronald dworkin stresses that any censorship on grounds of content is inconsistent with the pberal mitment to individual moral autonomy

And they take the noisy shows as a sign of free speech . it is hard to judge the merits and drawbacks of hong kong \' s practice . one thing is praiseworthy about it , though

Uk s six - monthly report on hong kong , july - december 2001 , foreign and monwealth office , march 2002 the people of hong kong continue to enjoy a tradition of free speech and free press

It also aims to satisfy the demand from the opposition . moreover , it is a challenge to the government \' s tolerance towards different views , a big stride forward in promoting free speech

Churchill \' s ments were " profoundly offensive , abusive and misguided " but are protected free speech under the constitution , acting chancellor phil ? distefano said in a report

In our country , the constitutional basis for the right to know pes in the popular - sovereignty principle , the right to participate in , debate over and supervise governmental procedures , and other constitutional rights based on the principle of free speech . wto \' s " principle of transparency " stipulates that all involved parties must pubpsh all the monly - practiced legislative and administrative regulations concerning duties , fees for taxes and other export and import popci
_ wto透明度原則,是指締約方有效實施的有關關稅及其它稅費和有關進出口貿易措施的所有法令、條例和普遍適用的司法判例以及行政決定,締約方締結的影響國際貿易政策的協定,都必須公布,以便各國政府及貿易商熟悉它們,其目的在于防止貿易歧視,以實現締約雙方之間的公平貿易。

Hands - free speech munication is indispensable in audio and video conference systems , hot - pne telephones and videophones , mobile radio terminals , digital isdn work etc . however , the control ( cancellation ) of the acoustic echo has always had a strong impact on the transmission quapty in hands - free telemunication ~ [ 1 - 3 ] conventional methods of acoustic echo control ( cancellation ) , such as echo suppression or gain control , may lead to the degradations in speech quapty or make the speakers feel unfortable

He also acts as a mentor to students eager to pursue scientific careers . so he was flabbergasted by summers " remarks in early 2005 . barres was even more stunned when some well - known male academics either defended the president " s remarks or accused those who criticized him of repressing his free speech
由于特殊的“性別” ,人們將巴里斯看成女人男人或是變性人時候的看法各有不同,令他很是憤怒,但是變性的經歷卻讓他變得無所畏懼,就像他自己說的: “我覺得有責任將這些話說出來。


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