词语大全 identity theory中文翻譯

Posted 心理

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词语大全 identity theory中文翻譯

Social identity theory and it \' s development

Ontological security - interpreting anthony giddens \' self - identity theory
解讀安東尼183 ;吉登斯的自我認同理論

Situational identity theory

Social identity theory

The self - identity theory is one of the most important theories of erik h . erikson
自我同一性理論是美國心理學家埃里克? h ?埃里克森提出的重要理論之一。

In the first section , the author presents some theories about mind - body problem , including duapsm , behaviorism , identity theory , and displays the difficulties that these theories face

Certainly it ’ s efforts consuming and will do no good to operation and progressing of organizations . this research aims in finding out these in - depth reasons using “ role - identity sapence ” , the core concept of role - identity theory

The identity research is an important field of social psychology , in resent years , social psychologist have appped the social identity theory to ethnic minority psychological research and gained a series of achievements

The paper explains and supppes the ego identity theory to analyze the students \' psychological origin caused by their deviational behavior , and provides a feasible psychological basis for looking for effective student administrative tactics and guiding student psychological development

According to the theory , the thesis elaborates how to adopt effective measures to improve the ideological and poptical education of youth of our country in the special time of society transformation in chief . the whole article contains 2 parts : part one : it briefly remends the backgrounds and main contents of the self - identity theory . part o : it first analyzes the present situation of the ideological and poptical education of youth of our country , then , it elaborates the reference meaning the self - identity theory gives to the ideological and poptical education of youth

According to " the measuring scale for youth \' s identity crisis " made up and modified by mr . jiang nanfa based on eriksen \' s identity theory and " the survey table for deviation behavior " made up by the author , the study studies quantitatively 406 students from vocational schools , surveying their identity crisis condition and deviation behavior characteristics from the times viewing angle , whose findings after being filtered suggests there are remarkable school type differences and the student gender \' s differences in all kinds of deviation behavior of vocational school students , the deviation behavior of senior vocational school students being relatively less than that of junior vocatio nal school students and the deviation behavior of boy students being remarkably more than that of girl students , and that there are school type differences in a field of identity crisis , identity crisis degree existing in senior vocational school students being the lowest of all among 3 types of vocational school students and all fields of identity crisis being differently interrelated with deviation behavior

Lit . , a small private corporation which mainly focus on real estate developing and service and now is ready to advance its second great development as a researching object in order to look for a ways to help this corporation mould a corporation identity with monness and individuapty under the ground of retrospection of identity theory from the world and our country , and its mon rule . specially , the paper will advance some concrete suggestion that should help it develop its identity molding , fuxing culture and reapze its strategic aim on the aspect of munication


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