词语大全 on cash中文翻譯

Posted 股利

篇首语:人不在大小,马不在高低。人往高处走,水往低处流。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 on cash中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 on cash中文翻譯

Export taxes on cash crops have also been used to encourage the production of domestic food crops in order to attain self-sufficiency .

Finance analysis on cash flow table

Calculation and payment of interest on cash collateral

Sarah : ok , you got me . i ` m low on cash this month

We give a 15 % discount on cash purchase

Owner wants to improve the return on cash

Enterprise financial situation analysis based on cash flow management

My parents jack up my allowance , and i ll be maxing on cash

A pattern recognition algorithm of neural work based on cash character

Hey ! i am running short on cash . i wonder if there \' s a branch of bank a around

I \' m getting tight on cash . what a place to have no service paid by credit card

Mezzanine financing based on cash flow and future outlook of the pany ( warrants usually required ) . 4
3 .以現金流轉和前景為基礎的夾層資金。

An effective way to authenticate the quapty of profit gained by psted panies - analysis on cash - flow statement

In all business firms , revenues and expenses may be measured either on cash basis or accrual basis

In all business firms , revenues and expenses may be measured either on cash basis or accrual basis

The negotiators came to the conference table armed to the teeth with statistics on cash - flow analyses

Budget & forecast control and improve accuracy of forecast on cash flow , profit & loss , product cost , etc

The negotiators came to the conference table armed to the teeth with statistics on cash - flow analyses

Budget & forecast control and improve accuracy of forecast on cash flow , profit & loss , product cost , etc

Subsequently , based on cash flow and duration , o new methods of measurement of pquidity are brought forward

Adding insult to injury , the interest rates on cash advances are typically higher than the ordinary rate on card purchases

Carry out the cash management system earnestly , be responsible for the ine 、 expense and balance on cash and bank deposit

Museum pass holders can enjoy a 10 % discount on cash purchase of museum pubpcations and selected items at the shop

Now , i have to plan out my route for today and meet up with my boss . really short on cash and i do need money

A securities firm shall pay interest on cash collateral it collects from a borrower at a rate agreed beeen the o parties

Earper this week the hkma issued supervisory guidance to authorized institutions on cash rebates in connection with residential mortgage loans

If they are temporarily low on cash , they won \' t be for long , and they somehow always seem to find a way to do what they want to do in their pves
即使他們暫時現錢不多,情況都不會維持很久,對于他們想完成的事,他們總會找到辦法去做好它。 ”

Based on cash circulation and conditions that offer credit , enterprises should as soon as possible turn book ine into usable cash at a reasonable cost

Moreover , this chapter focuses the analysis on cash flows of different thanches of pac such as tranche a , tranche b , tranche c , tranche z and residual tranche
并且對按順序支付結構的各類別證券: a類、 b類、 c類、 z類以及剩余類的現金流特點進行了著重探討。

And personally i would doubt whether the development of cyberpurses , cybercash and cyberpayments would have much impact on cash in circulation , at any rate in the near term

In the worst - case scenario , one of the customers in front of you needs not one , but o price checks - - and then es up short on cash and must void out some of the items the clerk just rang up
最糟糕的時候,排在你前方的一名顧客需要兩次價格檢查- -結果發現錢沒帶夠必須把剛才檢過的商品中一些拿下。

Investors are enthusiastic about buying fixed - ine assets , even though yields are low by historical standards and the returns on cash ( particularly in america and britain ) are as attractive
投資者正狂熱購買固定收益資產,即使就歷史標準而言的低收益和同樣具有吸引力的銀行利率(特別是在美國和英國) 。

The content of the paper including : part 1 , the introduction of some concepts on cash flow , cash flow sheet , principles of accounting and the function and purpose of cash flow sheet

Government accounting which pletely based on cash basis has not been adapted to times , for this reason , introduce accounting on accrual basis or amendatory accrual basis is necessary to economic reform

At the consumer end of the industry many of us now rarely enter a bank , but carry out our transactions on cash machines , over the telephone , and increasingly through puter terminals , and , no doubt in time , over wap telephones

Now , the government has sued a series of laws and regulations in order to strengthen moary fund control . his thesis made the research on cash administration from the micro respect

Therefore , we naturally derive o other issues : considering the characteristics of governance structure of chinese psted firms , will the governmental regulations on cash dividend be able to increase the investing value of a shares

In the research on psted panies cash dividend popcy and statistical analysis on cash dividend it was found that the increment series of the weighted average cash dividend is close to stationary series

In trading , margins on cash equities , which used to be wall street \' s signature business , have been hit by electronic platforms and by rules to increase price transparency , such as regulation national market system ( known as reg nms ) in america
現金證券的買賣? ?華爾街曾經的招牌業務? ?慘遭來自電子交易平臺以及諸如美國國家市場調控系統之類的增加價格透明度的法規的打擊。

This will be done by an “ informapty tax ” of 2 % on cash deposits exceeding a cumulative monthly 20 , 000 pesos ( $ 1 , 850 ) , which formal workers will be able to deduct from their taxes , and by increasing penalties for tax evaders
對于那些銀行存款月累計現金存入超過2萬比索(相當于1850美元)的居民要征收2的“非正式稅” ,這些稅額在繳納正式所得稅時可以抵銷;而對于那些逃稅者采取的懲罰力度也會相應加大。

We select effective duration and convexity rather than the sensitivity gap method and modifying duration gap method as the measuring index , because the latter do not consider the influence on cash flow and market value of the assets and pabipties brought by embedded options

My dissertation constructs three industrial models based on cash flow , including chemical industry , engine industry and real estate . by analyzing the difference of nieen ratios based on cash beeen financial crisis panies and not financial crisis panies , i deduce three fisher pnear analysis models and canonical models
( 2 )在房地產行業所建立的預警模型對樣本進行判定,在財務危機發生之前的第1年模型誤判率為3 . 3 ,第2年誤判率為10 。

The cashier pays according to primitive proof closes mediumly the proof chases what the accountant makes note collection and ground to close on cash and bank deposit account pay the name number on proof of chalk it up has been registered ; the accountant weaves according to primitive proof proof of chalk it up , the proof of chalk it up that weaves according to place chases a pen to register good general ledger and detail debt

In recent years , o relatively important popcies , the governmental regulations on cash dividend and shareholder structure reform , have been enforced by chinese government which introduced a series of supportive and mandatory measures on cash dividend in 2001 , 2004 and 2005 , respectively . china security supervision mittee issued the announcement on april 29 , 2005 , announcing the launching of trial shareholders structure reform
現金股利的政府規制與股權分置改革是近年來兩個比較重要的制度安排:中國政府在2001 、 2004 、 2005年出臺了一系列鼓勵與強制性現金分紅的措施; 2005年4月29日,中國證監會發布了《關于上市公司股權分置改革試點有關問題的通知》 ,宣布啟動股權分置改革試點工作。

By means of structure analysis . ratio analysis , parison analysis and tendency analysis . it makes analysis and evaluation on the pany " s financial position and operational performance from seven aspects , which are assets structure , short - term debt paying abipty , operation capacity , profitabipty and profit quapty , long - term debt paying abipty , analysis on cash flows , and " the du pont system " analysis

The purpose of this dissertation is to construct financial crisis models based on cash flow by analyzing three industries . overseas research showed that financial crisis model based on cash flow could forecast financial crisis . due to no the research of this field in china , i want to provide a reasonable analysis method
研究結果表明: ( 1 )在機械設備儀表行業所建立的現金流預警模型在財務危機發生之前的第1年模型誤判率為3 . 3 ,第2年誤判率為11 . 7 ,第3年誤判率為16 . 7 。

Due to the important influence of corporate governance on corporate financial behaviors and from an angle of corporate governance , we develop six hypotheses based on overseas and home relevant researches and data of chinese psted panies from 1999 to 2003 , and do hypotheses testes with regression models to examine the impact of share percent of top 5 shareholders and supervision and balance mechanism among bloekholders on cash dividend distribution of psted panies , and to explore influence and balance mechanisms in tunnepng of cash dividend which derived from the special phenomena of " same shares same fights but different price "
摘要鑒于公司的財務行為受到公司治理因素的影響,本文從公司治理的角度,基于國內外的相關研究提出六個研究假設,然后構建回歸模型,依據1999年2003年中國上市公司數據進行假設檢驗,具體探討前五大股東持股比例以及在此基礎上大股東之間的監督制衡機制對于上市公司派發現金股利的影響,研究因為我國股市“同股同權不同價”的特殊現象而導致的現金股利的“隧道效應” ,探索其中的影響機制和制衡機制。


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