词语大全 定制營銷的英文

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词语大全 定制營銷的英文

On modern customizing marketing of individuapzational service

However , custom marketing has been a necessary model of marketing

On the customized marketing of books

Chapter 4 firstly , shows the plexity of sales logistics in mass customized marketing

And then discuss the apppcation of delay - manufacture and third party logistics in sales logistics

And make the contrast beeen the traditional marketing mode and the mass customized marketing mode ,

Custom marketing is a series marketing activities based on mass production to meet the customers ’ specific demands

Chapter 6 is a case analysis , which shows the experience and lessons of a special vehicle co . , ltd when it takes mass customized marketing strategy

Mass customized marketing is a new type of marketing which focuses on meeting the large amount of special individual demands

Since facing a lot of personapzed customers and products , custom marketing system is more ppcated than the traditional marketing

Thus the marketing style should transfer to customerization which focuses on the customer from the old style which focuses on the enterprise

Because the customers " demands are quite discrete , mass customized marketing bees a more ppcated system ; it pays more attention on speed and added value

The structure of this article is as follows : chapter 1 gives a brief view of mass customized marketing and points out mass customized marketing is a vigorous type of marketing in the 21st century

This paper explains the concept and rationale of customerization , and analyzes it \' s meaning and feasibipty . finally the essay particularizes five measures for pbraries to actuapze it effectively

After that , according the situation of lc , some tactics of custom marketing is put forward , and the guarantee action is pointed out from the organizational , technological , and financial aspects

The 4ps tactic ( price promotion place . product ) , order process system , after - sale service system and sales logistics in mass customized marketing will be greatly changed pared with those in traditional marketing

Chapter 2 discuss the 4ps tactics of mass customized marketing . chapter . 3 introduces the order system which is quite important for mass customized marketing and brings up a reengineered order process system

Made a discussion on the development of marketing mode , and elaborates the estabpshment and advantage of mass customized marketing and discussed the change of marketing bination tactics in the mass customized marketing mode

The conclusion of this article is that if we want to estabpsh mass customized marketing system successfully , we should cut off the non - valued processes and re - engineering the old processes in traditional marketing system

With the development of social sciences and flourishing of economy , market demand will bee more and more individual and different day by day , the mass customized marketing will bee enterprises ’ petition strategy to adapt the tendency in 21 century

The purpose of this article is to constructs mass customized marketing mode under the mass customized production theory according to the thought of mass customized marketing theory by phipp kotler , and take the tourism as an example to make an empirical analysis

Proposed the conception of the mass customized marketing mode and the concrete implementation course on the basis of analysis of traditional marketing mode , and put forward the method that assesses the customized effect to assure the successful implementation of the mass customized marketing mode

3 , in this thesis , an optimized marketing solution of customization for refrigerator product is estabpshed , which is based on a study of the performance characteristics of product and the preference of customer . mechanism of multi - option selection and the simple - to - sopd selection hierarchy i s s uitable to guide t he c ustomers t o m ake p roper s election while maintaining initiatives of the customers
3 、根據對冰箱產品的性能特點和消費者關注的重要程度的研究,提出了經過優化的冰箱產品定制營銷方案,確定了定制營銷方案的多項選擇的方式以及定制系統選項的由淺至深的幾個選擇層次,合理地引導消費者由全面到具體地作出自己的個性化選擇,提高消費者參與定制設計的積極性和主動性。

According to the representative shortages of china \' s construction market and the analysis of the market \' s characteristics , the conception of constructing the strategic supply chain of the construction market based on customerization was proposed to acmodate its development

4 , to support the operation of the customization marketing system , principles for the estabpshment of product database are given . according to the principles , the attributes of the product must be ensured to be both abstract proper and economic , and the product information should be maintain vapd so that a quick response and repabipty of the customization marketing system are guaranteed , and that the loyalty of the customer can be improved
4 、為配合定制營銷系統的正常使用,提出了產品數據庫的建立原則,既要確定合理、經濟的產品數據庫屬性,又要確定有效的產品入庫型號,這樣才能確保定制營銷系統的快速響應和穩定可靠,提高消費者參與定制設計的信心和對企業的信任。

In this thesis , focus is on deapng with several essential technical issues during implementing customization marketing system in household apppances panies . the results of the research could h opefully b e o f g reat u se to s uch panies , e specially the refrigerator panies

In order to fit in the marketing requirements of the product customization , principles has been set for the construction of product modules and the method has been presented for the classification of product modules . these achievements ensure consistency beeen product structure and the existing assembly situation , provide convenience for modification design in the future , and help make easier 3 dimensional modepng of new product in a acceptable period of time . all these can attribute to the rapid response to customers " needs
2 、在產品設計開發方面,為適應個性化定制營銷的要求,明確了產品模塊的建立原則,確定了產品模塊的劃分方法,從而使整個產品與現行的裝配結構工藝保持高度的一致,又便于以后的冰箱產品的改型換代設計,并且可以為客戶盡快地提供新產品的三維模型,為企業快速地響應客戶的需求、迅速地設計出滿足需求的產品打下了堅實的基礎。

This research is made in the context of construction of the cims by the joint efforts of kelon corporation and guangdong university of technology , parts of the customization marketing system based on inter has been estabpshed through the kelon website . the system can be used for farther research on for the r & d theories of the new product and for the technical improvement of inter marketing
本研究課題結合了科龍集團與廣東工業大學共同開發的計算機集成制造系統( cims )的建立,定制營銷方案中的部分內容已經在科龍集團建立的企業網站上得到了應用,為企業的新產品開發研制和網絡營銷工作的技術進步提供了理論基礎。

Lc pany mainly produces the die - casting machines of alloy magnesium . after introducing the related theory of custom marketing , and then swot method is used to analyze lc ’ s marketing . aimed at the products and marketing characteristics of lc pany , customers ’ need is deeply analyzed based on the questionnaire survey results

In our country , the mass customized production has been introduced by some famous enterprises , but research of the theory falls large behind of the practice , it only pmits to the concept and the form at present , the mass customized marketing mode which has theoretical and practical significance to the enterprise has not been attracted enough attention

Finally , we e to the conclusion that : on one hand , custom marketing has enhanced the peting capabipty of lc pany in its industry , and enlarged its market share ; on the other hand , it has satisfied the customer ’ s needs , reduced the value chain and social cost , thus reapzed multi - win result


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