文章大全 关于环境的英语句子

Posted 环境

篇首语:获取生活中最丰硕果实和最大享受的秘密在于,冒险犯难地生活!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了文章大全 关于环境的英语句子相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


How like the sea is the grassland! It\'s just quieter than the sea; the grassland is like a picture without a frame, so vast that it can\'t reach the margin.


The setting sun has been pletely engulfed by the ilight. The glorious sunset in the sky turned grayish-brown, as if torn to pieces by someone, one by one, taking up the western sky.


The grass also stood up proudly, with its tiny head like a needle. Under the moistening of spring rain, it was permeated with the beloved green and reborn green.


There is a rhombic goldfish pond in the middle of the school. There are many small red goldfish. They are chasing and playing in the clear water.


The boundless plain is flat and vast. It is like a huge dark green jadeite disc. It is vast and vast. It has great courage.


As soon as I entered the campus in the morning, a fresh fragrance came to my face. The flowers and leaves just moistened by night rain were so delicious that they seemed to emit an attractive fragrance.


In the grassland after rain, wild flowers are blooming like a flower scarf just soaked in water. Even dew drops are colorful!


Jinding Stone Wall, painted with a variety of bird patterns, colorful. The floor was covered with soft brocade Satin Embroidered carpets, occasionally burning several bright red flames.


Outside the west end of the door, the hanging moon has bee a golden watermelon, no longer a curved eyebrow.


On the sidewalk, three or o children cheered and jumped, treading on the snow naughtily. One foot, one foot, crunch, thick snow covered with fresh footprints.


Night falls, the blue sky is dotted with many small stars, blinking, it seems to invite you to wander in the broad space.


The leaves on their heads were still, and they were impatient and shrill, and the sandy slime and shit fell on the ground.


There is a green lawn in the middle of the playground. Students are willing to read and play on the lawn in groups. The loud sound of reading often attracts pedestrians outside the playground.


Although it is late autumn, the sun still goes to work every day, giving plants enough light and heat to make them grow well in the cold late autumn.


Looking from afar, there are clouds squirming on the grassland. It turns out that this is the sheep of the pasture, one by one white, strong and lovely, which makes the grassland more vibrant.


When the severe winter es, poplars, Platanus trees and grass are irrevocably withered, the green of the whole campus will be concentrated in those proud frost pine trees and the growing green holly trees.


Midnight after autumn. The moon went down, the sun was not yet out, and there was only a dark blue sky left; everything except the things that traveled at night fell asleep.


Mount Tai rises from the ground to the clouds, just like a great man standing among the mountains, looking up to the earth with kindness.


My ideal life is to wake up naturally every day, to do nothing, to take no responsibility, to sit and talk with my loved ones and those who love me, and to laugh at the sunset.


It\'s this apathy that usually attracts men, but at last a man marries a woman who admires him. A woman without ability lives by marrying a man, and a woman with ability lives by herself.


If the memory is as hard as steel, then I should smile or cry, if the memory of steel corrodes, then here is Huancheng, or ruins.


The peaks on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have changed into interesting gestures: sometimes like fairies, sometimes like old men with sticks, sometimes like apes offering peaches, sometimes like wild horses without rein.


White snow, I love you, I love your purity. You decorate the earth in silver, how beautiful you decorate it.


If you are really angry with her, you should be more polite on the surface. The less you show it, the less you give her the chance to guard against you and suffer.


When problems occur, people often blame the environment. In fact, one should try to adapt to the surroundings. If one can\'t adapt, he has to create the environment himself.


From a distance, you can see a row of weeping willows. The willows have just turned green. The green shadows are like a green veil covering the plum blossoms behind the willows in the breeze. They are beautiful.


The pine trees stand green in the white snow, swaying with the harsh Southeast wind, and retracting the sharp and harsh roar, as if intentionally despising winter.


In fact, it is very difficult for a person to be truly free. It is often the person himself that locks up the person. Unconsciously, we are not slaves to feelings, but slaves to career.


The wind blows and wrinkles the sparkling light of a river. A group of egrets started up from the reeds, fluttering their wings and drawing arrogant and powerful arcs.


Nearby, the long port of Bashi meanders southward. At the foot of the bank, the weeds sit or lie down, or dive into the water. The withered and yellow veins are clearly visible.


Night covered the grassland, a round moon flashed from the scaly clouds, the grassland filled with dim moonlight, like a light rising silver fog.


With the advent of severe winter and the irreversible withering of poplars, Acer trees and grass, the green of the whole campus is concentrated in the proud frost of the pine trees and the growing green holly trees.


In this melancholy and bright March, I beat horses through my thin youth, through corydalis, through kapok, through hidden joys and sorrows and inconstancies.


She shed tears for you, don\'t apologize, don\'t fort, hold her tight, tell her you are there, you can. Never leave with remorse, because she needs you most at this time.


Four old dilapidated school buildings disappeared. New classrooms and conference rooms stood inside the barrier wall. The small and exquisite munication room guarded the west side of the gate.


Ancient and interesting streets, ancient castles, simple and quiet towns, Inn courtyard green trees, rippling river water flowing from the front and the courtyard, beautiful environment. Be quiet.


In August in the south, the sun was shining like fire. At noon, the sun curled up the leaves. Knowing that chattering constantly adds a layer of boredom to the muggy weather.


The biggest mistake people make in daily life is to be too polite to strangers and too strict to intimate people. Turn this bad habit over and the world will be peaceful.


The legendary dragon belongs to the Middle Ages. If we wear it in such a way as to adapt to the environment and avoid attracting attention, it will be much easier for us to rescue the sheep.


It\'s very sharp. Look at that gesture, like a drunk general, waving a knife, hesitating to shake out.


This is our beautiful new school. I love our new school. In such a fortable environment, we should seize the time to study hard and explore in the ocean of knowledge.


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