词语大全 如释重负造句_如释重负中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:没有加倍的勤奋,就既没有才能,也没有天才。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 如释重负造句_如释重负中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 如释重负造句_如释重负中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 重负   [zhòng fù]什么意思

词语大全 如释重负造句_如释重负中英文解释和造句

如释重负  rú shì zhòng fù








  • 他们就如释重负地说:我就知道。 They are relieved to say: I know.

  • 我们听说你平安无恙而如释重负。 We were/felt relieved to hear you were safe.

  • 那于下午离开办公室时,我如释重负。 Leaving the office that afternoon, I felt a great sense of relief.

  • 我还了抵押借款,如释重负。 Paying my mortgage was an enormous weight off my mind!

  • 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。 Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  • 比赛结束后,教练有一种如释重负之感。 After the match the coach had a feeling of release.

  • 其他的人发出一阵如释重负的喃喃低语声。 There was a low susurration of relief among all the rest.

  • 我又湿又丑,当我离开商店时,店员也如释重负。 I was wet and ugly and the clerk looked relieved as I left.

  • 不过,看到他能够头排发车确实有种如释重负之感。 Nevertheless, it was a relief to see him make it to turn one clearly ahead.

  • 终于午夜到了,他如释重负地长舒了一口气回家了。 Finally midnight arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief and went home.

  • 他以欢呼迎接黎明,如释重负,然后兴高采烈地继续勘查。 He meets the dawn with a brisk exclamation of relief, and pursues his investigations with the utmost good humour.

  • 虽然整个城市如释重负,但是那些期待翻天覆地变化的人要失望了。 Anyone hoping for a radical change will be disappointed—though the City will be relieved.

  • 伊朗人倒是没提出什么问题便同意了我们的计划,这使我们如释重负。 To our great relief , the Iranians agreed to the plan without any problem.

  • 西方各国政府对印度成熟民主制度的赞叹之情中,还混杂着如释重负的情绪。 In western capitals, admiration for the maturity of Indian democracy will be mixed with relief.

  • 实际上,劳动节一过,在整个美国都可听到一声如释重负的巨大叹息,秋天从此开始了。 Actually, it began with the epic sigh of relief that could be sensed all over the U. S. right after Labor Day.

  • 父亲在说出一声“是”之前,脸终于没有先前那么红了。简析:迂回表达,心情如释重负。 Dad’s face turned decidedly less red before he could bring out a “yes”.

  • 当然,贝肯鲍尔所说的“挺进决赛、甚至赢得决赛也大有希望”只能理解为如释重负的发泄了。 Of course, Beckenbauer said, “into the finals and even win the finals also promising” can only be understood to be relieved of the vent.

  • 这些中国神枪手们在多哈男子10米气枪的团体比赛中获得金牌后。王义夫教练感到如释重负。 Coach Wang Yifu felt released after the Chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the Doha Asian Games in the men’s 10m air rifle shooting team event.

  • 我们在内部讨论这一变动时,都有一种如释重负的感觉。大家的情绪都很好,开玩笑说吉姆一定能青史留名。 As we discussed the dynamic internally, there was an underlying sense of relief. The mood was positive all around as we joked about Jim’s place in history.

  • 但也有一些好消息,很多威尔士人现在感到如释重负,他们说现在他们可以不受跟踪调查,随意进出房间了。 But there’s some good news as well: Many Welshmen report feeling relieved that they can now leave their houses without being followed.

  • 诺林说,科克兰德所得到的热切支持让他印象深刻。至此,三位证人—-米勒、乌尔芙和霍亚如释重负。 Nowlin said he was impressed with the outpouring of support for Kirkland, and the three witnesses – Miller, Wolfe and De La Hoya – looked relieved.

  • 过了一会儿,道林·格雷抬起头来。“你对我解剖了我自己,哈里。”他低声说道,并且如释重负地叹了口气。 After some time Doriam Gray looked up. “You have explained me to myself, Harry, ” he murmured with something of a sigh of relief .

  • 尽管第一次高能粒子束碰撞成功以后,控制室传来了欢呼且有人开香槟以庆祝,然而,如释重负仍然是那一天的主旋律。 Though there was cheering and champagne in the control room when the first high-energy beams collided, sighs of relief are more the order of the day.

  • 特别是熊猫那句“我的JJ”,让观众们在小小地惊讶了一下之后,开心得不得了,并且伴有巨大的放松感,真的如释重负。 Panda in particular the phrase “my JJ”, so that the audience in a little surprising to us, is a very, very happy and relaxed with a great sense of relief really.

  • 声明发表演之后,我感到非常激动和开心,也许更多的是如释重负,尤其是听到切尔西俏皮地说:“演讲说得不错,州长。” When it was over, I felt elated and excited, but maybe relieved more than anything else, especially after Chelsea wisecracked, Nice speech, Governor.

  • 我开始意识到,总有那么一只鸟,那么一个人在前面等我,这个人可能是我的爱人,可能只是朋友,但一定是知我懂我的人,这令我感觉如释重负。 I realize with some relief that there is a bird out there for me, there is another person, not necessarily a lover perhaps just a friend, but there is someone out there who is my soul mate.

  • 我开始意识到,总有那么一只鸟,那么一个人在前面等我,这个人可能是我的爱人,可能只是朋友,但一定是知我懂我的人,这令我感觉如释重负。 I think about being a broken vase again and realize that I have glued myself back together, what Mike has is merely a little part of my time in earth, a little understanding of my physical being.

  • 而现在的我,或者说大多数的我们,为了吃好,穿暖,忘了自己的信念,一味的机械式的工作著,盲目一辈子,到退休的那天你就知道自己终于如释重负! But now , perhaps most of us, work just for food clothes, forget conviction, doing work like a machine, blindness lifetime,  when retire that you will know you are wrong all your life!

  • 荆楚网消息(体育周报)武汉队在主场输给状态略有下滑的陜西中新,让申花俱乐部“如释重负”。在大头一事上饱受争议的他们,在武汉队输球的事实面前… Jingchu net news (sports weekly report) Wuhan team, in the main floor loses to the condition slightly to have in sliding to Shanxi new, lets the Shenhua club ” feel relieved “.

  • 当特里在对美国队的比赛中率先破门得分后,贝克汉姆,注视著现任英格兰队长的眼睛,读出了那种深深的如释重负。此时,他知道,特里的伤痛终于开始愈合。 David Beckham knew the healing process for John Terry had begun when he looked into the England captain’s eyes after he had scored the opening goal against the USA and saw sheer relief.

  • 如释重负造句相关


    词语大全 重负   [zhòng fù]什么意思

    重负   [zhòng fù]




    1. 沉重的负担。

      《穀梁传·昭公二十九年》:“ 昭公 出奔,民如释重负。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《齐明帝谥议》:“流涕而膺宝位,如就重负。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》三:“这一年,他父亲因旧有的肾脏病去世了。摧心地伤痛,担上家计的重负,工作又十二分不如意,他憔悴了。”


    重负,zhòng fù,意思是沉重的负担。出自《穀梁传·昭公二十九年》。 更多→ 重负


    heavy burden; heavy load; tax






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    词语大全 千钧重负的意思_成语“千钧重负”是什么意思


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    词语大全 若释重负   [ruò shì zhòng fù]什么意思

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    词语大全 负什么意思

    负拼音fù 部首贝笔画6五行水繁体负五笔QMU[负]基本解释1.驮,背(bèi):~米。~疚。~重。如释重~。~荆请罪。2.担任:担~。~责。~累(lěi)。~罪。~荷。忍辱~重。身~重任。

    古诗词大全 山居十三首原文_翻译及赏析


    古诗词大全 山居十三首原文_翻译及赏析


    词语大全 慧捷   [huì jié]什么意思

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