词语大全 气味相投造句_气味相投中英文解释和造句

Posted 创意

篇首语:一艺之成,当尽毕生之力。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 气味相投造句_气味相投中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 气味相投造句_气味相投中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 声气相投造句_声气相投中英文解释和造句

词语大全 气味相投造句_气味相投中英文解释和造句

气味相投  qì wèi xiāng tóu








  • 气味相投”夫妻的婚姻生活则相反。 “Qiweixiangtou” the couple’s married life, the opposite is true.

  • 创意在气味相投的气氛中,最能茁壮成长。 They grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration.

  • 他虽然寄身买办阶层,但和一般买办并不气味相投。 Although he be subjected prador class, but it is not similar goals and general prador.

  • 在外交部方面他也早就可以有一个气味相投的自己人。 He would have had a kindred spirit and his own man at the Foreign Office.

  • 的行业,创意。创意在气味相投的气氛中,最能成长茁壮。 our business is ideas. they grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration.

  • 汤姆和我气味相投,也喜欢游泳,所以我们常常一起到海滩去。 Tom is a man after my own heart: he also enjoys swimming, so we often go to the beach together.

  • 因为气味相投,在几次一起看电影约会后,他们现在已正式交往。 and because like attracts like, after going to the theater for a few dates, they are now officially going out.

  • 汤姆和我气味相投,也喜欢游泳,所以我们常常一起到海滩去)。 Tom is a man after my own heart: he also enjoys swimming, so we often go to the beach together.

  • 汤姆和我气味相投,也喜欢游泳,所以我们常常一起到海滩去)。 enjoys swimming, so we often go to the beach together.

  • 我们的行业,就是创意。创意在气味相投的气氛中,最能成长茁壮。 Our business is ideas. They grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration.

  • 我们的行业,就是创意。创意在气味相投的气氛中,注意能茁壮成长。 Our business is ideas. They grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration.

  • 他始终自信地认为:设计是一种精准凝练的语言,无需赘述,就能让气味相投的人读懂。 He was always confident that : the precision design is a concise language, without them, we can let the people understand goals.

  • 线上零售商如亚马逊网路书店擅长于告诉其购买者哪一些商品受到气味相投的消费者的欢迎。 Online retailers such as Amazon are good at telling shoppers which products are popular with like-minded consumers.

  • 有一天,这三个人凑在一起准备替一个新案子试音时,突然发现他们气味相投,于是一拍即合; One day, these three individuals got together to test their preparations for a new case, he suddenly found With similar goals. So off;

  • 他们两个人都是疯狂的电影迷;因为气味相投,在几次一起看电影约会后,他们现在已正式交往。 E. g. They both are crazy about movies; and because like attracts like, after going to the theater for a few dates, they are now officially going out.

  • 他们两个人都是疯狂的电影迷;因为气味相投,在几次一起看电影约会后,他们现在已正式交往。 They both are crazy about movies; and because like attracts like, after going to the theater for a few dates, they are now officially going out.

  • 它位于布鲁塞尔圣玛格达伦教堂附近一座老房子内。书店装潢美妙,与摆放的大量艺术书籍“气味相投”。 Located in a dear old house near St Magdalen’s church in Brussels, Posada Books is as famous for its pretty interior as it is for its collection of new and second-hand art books.

  • 年轻男女在爱情的名义下,见面、交往,首先感受到的是第一印象,漂亮与否并不重要,但一定要气味相投。 In the name of love, young men and women meet each other and bee in love with the first impression at the beginning.

  • 企业应注重品牌的个性塑造来吸引“气味相投”的消费者,提高品牌的忠诚度,从而最终实现企业价值的最大化。 The enterprise has to attract its regular customers through its brand building to improve its faithful degree and realize the maximization of enterprise value.

  • 具体考虑时还要注意色彩与室内主调是否相配,植物间气味是否相投,植物形态是否为人喜欢,大小是否适宜等。 Specific considerations, they should also pay attention to indoor main theme is patible with the colors, a smell is enough plants, plant patterns whether people like size appropriateness.

  • 一见钟情不是你一眼看上了我或者是我一眼看上了你,不是看,是味道,彼此被对方的气味吸引了,迷住了,气味相投你懂吗? It does not mean you put your eyes on me or I put mine on u. Not LOOK but SMELL, attracted by the SMELL of the other, enchanted, u know?

  • 李文与特纳宣布他们的合并计划时,大家都说那是地球会火星,但上星期,协商这项交易的两位大老板似乎气味相投,看到同样的前景。 When Levin and Turner proclaimed their deal, it was Earth meets Mars. But last week the two dealmakers actually seemed to speaking the same language and perceive the same future.

  • 气味相投造句相关


    词语大全 声气相投造句_声气相投中英文解释和造句

    声气相投  shēng qì xiāng tóu






  • 声气相投:这很自然,对你喜欢的人,你比较容易发挥所长。 Fourth, liking: obviously, you’re more likely to extend yourself for someone you like.

  • 声气相投造句相关



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    词语大全 声气相投造句_声气相投中英文解释和造句

    声气相投  shēngqìxiāngtóu声气相投的意思和解释:指朋友间思想一致,性情投合。声气相投的出处声气相投的例子声气相投造句声气相投:这很自然,对你喜欢的人,你比较容易发挥

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    词语大全 群蚁附膻造句_群蚁附膻中英文解释和造句

    群蚁附膻  qúnyǐfùshān群蚁附膻的意思和解释:附:依附;膻:羊肉的气味。许多蚂蚁趋附羊肉。比喻许多臭味相投的人追求不好的事物。群蚁附膻的出处《庄子·徐无鬼》:“羊肉不慕蚁

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    词语大全 无声无息造句_无声无息中英文解释和造句

    无声无息  wúshēngwúxī无声无息的意思和解释:没有声音,没有气味。比喻没有名声,不被人知道。无声无息的出处《诗经·大雅·文王》:“上天之载,无声无臭。”无声无息的例子无声

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    相见恨晚  xiāngjiànhènwǎn相见恨晚的意思和解释:只恨相见得太晚。形容一见如故,意气极其相投。相见恨晚的出处《史记·平津侯主父列传》:“天子召见三人,谓曰:‘公等皆安