词语大全 國有部門的英文

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篇首语:为寻求真理的努力所付出的代价,总是比不担风险地占有它要高昂得多。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 國有部門的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 國有部門的英文

Ensuring use of legal sofare in the state - owned sector

In other words , sell - offs to the non - state sector will continue

Private sector : non - state sector

State - owned sector

Non - state sector

I ask the private sector and our partners around the world to join us in embracing this cause

The rise in expenditure on infrastructure , for example , is due partly to the state sector shifting its financial burdens to the household sector

And then it is because of that we had flaws in economic system and poptical system during the process when our market economy system was taking place of planned economy system and it is because of that

( 2 ) why rural enterprises without a perspicuous relation beeen ownership and management expanded fast and private enterprises with an advantageous mechanism developed slowly in the non - state - owned industries during the rapid economic growth in 1980s
( 2 )在20世紀80年代的經濟快速增長中,在非國有部門中,為什么是產權不甚明晰的鄉鎮企業增長較快,而機制上更有優越的私營部門的增長卻非常緩慢

In addition , it is found that the change in mainland china \' s regional urban - rural ine differential is primarily affected by the urban - rural employment wage differential , foreign direct investment , the share of the state sector , the level of agricultural financial subsidies , and the one - child popcy

Before the opening and reform , the scientific innovation of china was entirely proceeded by state - owned section . although great achievements were made , the efficiency was n \' t high as a whole ; after the opening and reform , with the rapid development of foreign scientific revolution and domestic market economy , the non - governmental trend in the field of science and technology became inevitable

Further analyses with additional interaction terms in models specify some groups who bore most increases of gender wage inequapty : labors over 40 - year - old group , in non - state sector or being blue - collar job ; by contrast , among labors below 40 - year - old , workers in state sector or white - collar employees , gender gaps appear relatively insignificant
進一步利用交叉項分析發現性別工資差距的擴大主要表現在初中以下文化程度、 40歲以上年齡組、非國有部門和藍領職業的人群中;而在高中以上教育程度、 40歲以下年齡組、國有部門和白領職業的勞動力中表現相對不明顯。

( 6 ) based on china \' s situation , it raises up 9 proposals on resolving bad assets , it also put forward 3 suggestions on reforming the structure of property right , such as market launching of single - capitapzed merchant banks , placing of equity shares to non - stated owned units , transferring equity shares to foreign investors , etc . this article attaches great importance to the instructional and feasible features of the research , its approaches and methods possesses substantial results

According to " three departments analyzing " , the fundamental way of the bining is : promote no national parts , remove the demand blocks , investing blocks , and key elements diverting blocks . the basic fiscal popcy should accord to the fundamental way . at the moment , our economics show obvious hot trend , but it is still hot partly , and tight in the total
根據本文建立的“三部門分析” ,實現財政政策與市場化改革結合的根本途徑是促進非國有部門的發展,把政策著力點轉移到為消除非國有部門發展的需求梗阻、投資梗阻與要素轉移梗阻服務上來。

We give research into the relationship of the chinese sector distribution of capital and financial development and discuss the sector difference from fixed asset invest and bank loan . finally , we draw a conclusion that illogical system of financial development leads " sector discrimination of capital " although the development of financial structure positively effects the sector distribution of capital in some degree . so this thesis advises that china should make financial development " essential " , so it is vital to keep the government rational in the process of financial development


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