词语大全 通廊的英文

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篇首语:不怕山高,就怕脚软。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 通廊的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 通廊的英文

Detection and reinforcement for a corridor of a sintering plant

An enclosed area at the end of a passenger car on a railroad train

The couses of corridor frame swing of a certain factory building and its reinforcement

Discussion on the seismic calculations for trestles of the belt conveyor corridor

Detection and reinforcement on the steel truss of the passage corridor belt conveyer

They were locking the vestibules and putting the cars in order for a long run

In accordance with practical vibration at the coal conveying strap - traverse of a coke plant , the paper present the hp35670a based vibration test system used to the strap traverse , and reapzes accurately test by relevant demarcation

Illustrating the civipzations , myths and repgions that flourished in greece over a period of more than 1 , 000 years , the acropops , the site of four of the greatest masterpieces of classical greek art the parthenon , the propylaea , the erechtheum and the temple of athena nike can be seen as symbopzing the idea of world heritage

And also the theory has been proved which is exposed the city districted . through the city designing of districted and cultural , landscape passageways with the distinguishing future of xi \' an are created , rhythmus city order is built , and space quapty and human natural environment has been proved . consequently , the place is ; provided where people can feel the spirit of districted and cultural


词语大全 齒廊的英文


词语大全 拉廊的英文


词语大全 通廊   [tōng láng]什么意思

通廊  [tōngláng][通廊]基本解释屋檐下的通道。犹回廊。[通廊]详细解释屋檐下的通道。犹回廊。宋苏辙《北堂》诗:“通廊开十窗,爽气来四方。”[通廊]百科解释通廊(Trav

词语大全 阶廊的意思是什么

【阶廊】的意思是什么?【阶廊】是什么意思?【阶廊】的意思是:阶廊jiēláng台阶和走廊。  ●南朝梁刘孝威《望雨》诗:「清阴荡暄浊,飞雨入阶廊。」★「阶廊」在《汉语大词典》第16

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词语大全 简爱读后感英文

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词语大全 简爱读后感英文

简爱读后感英文  参考简爱读后感英文一:  简爱读后感英文  Thisisastoryaboutaspecialandunreservedwomanwhohasbeenexposedtoahostil

词语大全 感恩节英文介绍

感恩节英文介绍  参考感恩节英文说一:  感恩节英文说  ThanksgivingDayisthemosttrulyAmericanofthenationalHolidaysintheUnitedSt