词语大全 放熱反應的英文


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词语大全 放熱反應的英文

An exothermic reaction releases heat(energy) .

Exothermic reaction can be reduced by adding hexahydrophthapc anhydride to the phthapc anhydride .

An exothermic reaction releases heat ( energy )
放熱反應釋放出熱量(能) 。

Aerospace ; fibre reinforced plastics ; determination of temperature difference on exothermic reaction

Through numerical simulations on the position control for an exothermic chemical reactor system , the parative evaluation beeen the proposed control and the nonpnear model predictive control ( nmpc ) are given

Then an approach was put forward to evaluate the potential risk of thermal runaway in exothermic reaction system by use of system safety index , and the equipbrium region of exothermic reaction systems was analyzed

It is based on the exothermic reaction of the corresponding metal nitrates with a reducing agent and yields extremely fine - grained ashes that readily convert into pure znfe2o4 when treated thermally
該法是在還原條件下,以相應的金屬硝酸鹽的放熱反應為基礎從而產生了超細粉末,然后通過加熱使其轉化為純的znfe _ 2o _ 4相。

Before 900 c , ti reacts with al to form tial intermetalpcs ; above 900 c , c reacts with remain ti to form tic triggered by the exothermal reaction of ti and al ; tial reacts with tic to produce dense tial / ti2alc posites
間的放熱反應引發c和未反應完全的ti反應生成tic ; tiai金屬間化合物和tic反應并合成致密tiai / tizaic復合材料。通過保溫階段, tizaic長成層狀多品結構,同時復合材料致密化。

The relative momentum of o final particles and the cross section are zero at the threshold energy for an endothermic reaction , while the relative momentum of o initial particles is zero and the cross section at the threshold energy for an exothermic reaction is infinite
在吸熱反應的閾能處,出射粒子的相對動量以及截面均為零。在放熱反應的閾能處,入射粒子的相對動量為零,截面趨于無窮大。由于強子的動量僅提供如此低的質心系能量,強子物質中x 。

The experiments showed that wc and vc can dissolve mutually in the carbonizing reaction . when wc \' s content exceeds vc \' s , vc will dissolve into wc and make wc \' s crystal lattice bring aberrance and bee wc1 - x , contrarily when vc \' s content exceeds wc \' s , wc will dissolve into vc and also make vc \' s crystal lattice bring aberrance . the surface cermet posite has high rigidity and well wear - resistance
( 7 )采用鑄造燒結技術,通過加入毗顆粒和v班一vc的原位放熱反應成功制取了碳化物陶瓷質量百分數超過60 %的表面金屬陶瓷材料,實驗證實wc與高溫碳化反應生成的vc相互可以很好的固溶,當wc的含量超過vc時, vc可以固溶到wc中,使wc的晶格發生畸變,成為昵卜: ,反之當vc的含量超過wc的含量時, wc可以固溶到vc中,也會造成vc的晶格畸變。


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