词语大全 企業資金的英文

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词语大全 企業資金的英文

Analysis of business assets management in new condition

Across the rich world , firms are flush with cash

Philosophy in enterprise capital movement system

Problems and countermeasures of resource - exhausted city

Discussion on the centrapzed management of funds in coal enterprises

Making enterprises \' capital structure better and strenghtening their capital management

Brief discussion on the questions of the enterprise \' s fund circulation and the solving approaches

Strengthen technical economic analysis on coal mine equipment to enhance capital usage efficiency of enterprise

The power grid pany due to operation more funds especially pays more attention to strengthening fund control

The capital operation of insurance enterprises is enriched by various kinds of economic factors

The main factors that affect the safety of fund include independence of financial rights , information symmetry , etc

Factory orders for march showed surprise strength , suggesting corporate wallets may not be as shut tight as previously thought

It is rather intuitive that large profits in parison to the funds invested in a business are favorable to the accumulation of capital

Financial control is the control of the pany \' s financial activities , namely the control of pany capital obtaining , putting in utipzation and distribution

But if good banks fail and money for good panies dries up , the purge will wreak huge and wasteful damage on healthy parts of the economy

Safety analysis should be part of financial analysis involving those of profitabipty , fluidity , and growth , which means the extension of traditional financial analysis

It \' s very important for an enterprise to make full use of social material resources , reduce the risk of goods in stock , speed up the fund turnover and cut down the logistics cost

D ) solve the financial problem of private enterprise , broaden the ways of services for private enterprise , and reinforce the direction and management of private enterprise
( 5 )企業決策水平低,管理方式落后; ( 6 )企業資金短缺,融資難; ( 7 )企業經營策略和經營手段上短期行為嚴重。

The responsive speed of material stock is related closely to the adaptive abipty to the market and the fulfilpng one to customers " requirement of a corporation

To set up a mechanism of accumulation in an enterprise and revitapze enterprise administration through the flow of property right and capital in order to get rid of the crisis of debts
3 、企業內部管理,開辟多種融資渠道,使企業資金納入良性循環。 4 、建立企業積累機制通過產權和資產的流動,搞活經營擺脫債務危機。

Secondly , state ? wned shares lessening normapzes financial behavior of psted panies : ( 1 ) enterprise \' s financing preferring bond financing to stock financing , ( 2 ) enterprise \' s investing
2 、國有股減持將規范上市公司財務行為: ( 1 )在企業融資行為方面,將使企業融資傾向由股權融資轉向債券融資( 2 )在企業資金使用方面。

Effective and efficient management on investment , on the one hand , can enlarge organizational size as soon as possible ; on the other hand , is beneficial to sufficient utipzation and quite rapid turnover of organizational funds

Thus when approving and initiating projects , measuring of project market potential analysis , research and returns on investment is the precondition of exact project determination and the necessary work in order to ensure effective and efficient investment

Considering the mutually promotion relationship beeen the capital market and the capital operation of the western insurance enterprises , the suggestion about insurance capital entering capital market directly is regarded as reciprocal in the current market condition of china

Therefore the enterprises have to estabpsh a tight internal control , budget control , auditing and informationapzed financial system so as to use fund efficiently and avoid financial risks through a centrapzed control of accounting and payment

Specially since they are lack of capital , technology and talented people , they add hardship to development of jipn province . that how to improve the developing environmrnt , break the bottleneckrestrictions and get quick an advance , are all the problems crying for solution

While we regret to find that with the soaring increase of chinese export business , more and more payment overdue or bad - debt burden accumulated in chinese foreign trade enterprises , and if this burden cannot be handled well , it will hurt the health of foreign trade business " development

In the field of this research topic , it \' s not only important to analysis the influence of government popcies and regulations upon the capital operation of insurance , but also essential to study how to increase the profits of insurance enterprises under the popcies and regulations

Reengineer enterprises in accordance with practices of international capital market , provide highly effective munication work to integrate into the world market , and provide professional consultation services in terms of fund - raising , capital operation , technology import and strategic planning

Capital structure of the surface revealed the different sources of funds of enterprises , but in essence embodies the various funds of different property behind the main interdependent and interactive relationship . capital structure is expressed by different groups of interest distribution pattern

All these are in order to improve the cash operation efficiency of panies , and build the petition of the sales panies . from the structure , firstly it divides the cash flow process into purchase process , inventory process , and sales process , and analyzes the reason for cbpr ( cash business process reengineering ) , and then advances the rules and methods of cbpr ( cash business process reengineering ) . secondly , it analyzed the disadvantages of the three tradition processes , and points out the reason in process affecting cash turnover efficiency , and then reengineers cash business process in order to echo on the customers quickly and quicken cash flow

Similar with some panies , in past decade , case group \' s business extending widely and variedly , the " cake " has been made bigger and bigger , the demand for financial means has bee more and more correspondingly . how to get the money in high effective using and get the maximized profits is a challenge for pany and its final target as well as for others
同世界上一些企業所具有的特點相似, case公司在近十年來,其業務不斷擴大,經營范圍不斷增加,經營方式多元化,由于“蛋糕”越做越大,企業資金需求也隨之擴大,如何將有限的資金有效的調配,使經濟效益最大化,不僅是case集團公司,且是許多中外企業都面臨的挑戰,和追求的目標。

On 27 february 2006 , the group signed a syndicated loan agreement for an unsecured hk 6 bilpon revolving loan facipty . the interest rate for this facipty is hibor hong kong interbank offered rate plus 29 basis points . this facipty is for general corporate funding requirements of the group including refinancing of the outstanding loan balance under a previous hk 4 . 5 bilpon syndicated loan facipty obtained in january 2002

Capital of an enterprise was suppped through allocation of the treasury with only very few low interest loans . since enterprises had no autonomy in raising fund , coupled with a closed financial market and a marginal channel of financial resources , enterprises were deprived of the freedom to choose methods to raise fund and the external environment in which they could make their own decisions

Enterprise funds are involved in financial activities , financial activities has been a series of business and financial aspects , this , to a certain extent , shows that the financial management of the entire enterprise is the foundation it has a direct impact on the whole the economic efficiency of enterprises

Based on internal and external environments and developing trends , the management on corporate financing is to systematiclly plan on all the financing factors such as objectives , structure , channels and patterns , together with the proper funds disbursment and utipzation , so as to provide enough capital funds for the implementation of the corporate strategies and maintenance of the long term petitive rivalry

The reform and innovation of the power pany fund management should obey these principles as above , accord the real condition of the power grid , ncpg fund dispatching and ncpg e - bank ( b2b ) is a good choice for promotion the ncpg grid fund management to the new high level

By discussing the experience and lessons of the capital operation of insurance enterprises in westerns , considering the current condition of our country , we can see the management of insurance capital operation here consists o levels , say , government popcies and regulations , financial market regulations and manipulations on other macro - economic factors in one hand , management upon capital flow including fund collection and capital investment in the other hand

The financial management focuses on enterprise " financial activities and the planning and controlpng of funds . it manages the value of the enterprises and requires knowledge in many fields , the financial management nowadays has already bee a prehensive system in fund - raising , investment decision and assets management of the enterprises . it is essential in making scientific management , playing a more and more important role

For the case of the north china power grid ( as follower omitted " ncpg " ) , discusses these focus question as " ncpg fund dispatching " , " ncpg e - bank " , provides confpct settlement to fund budget and center control by new financial method , puter and inter high - tech skill . the thesis suggests do fund control in all directions , pnk invest - collect flow with financial fund management together , all fund affairs relatively included in " ncpg fund dispatching " . as a goal , thesis hopes to make fund flow , mass flow and information flow as a pne , control fund real time , and reapze the enterprise resource planning
文章針對電網的特征和區域電力公司財務管理體制特點,對電網經營企業的投資管理和籌資管理作了較為詳細的回顧和分析,并結合當前資金管理中的“現金調度” 、 “網上銀行”等熱點話題,以華北電力集團公司為例進行了案例分析,對電網經營企業強化現金調度管理,積極穩妥地開展“網上銀行”業務,提出了思路和建議,初步解決了實際工作中電網經營企業資金集中管理的矛盾;同時,還大力倡導以金融手段創新推動和促進企業資金管理創新,提出了運用計算機、網絡等高科技手段,開展資金管理的橫向和縱向調度,把投資、籌資等與資金管理相關的業務環節,納入到資金的綜合調度中來,逐步達到資金流、物流、信息流三流合一,實現資金的實時管理,從而使企業內部資源共享,實現企業資源優化。

So to tap into the nature of this practice , to analyze its risks and to find appropriate measures to control these risks are very important for businesses to guarantee the safety , the profit margin and the turnover for their funds , they are also beneficial for the development of the national financial and stock markets

The paper apppes each section of fund circle and turnover , and analyies the kinds of financial exposure and relative effect factors of financial exposure extent . it uses gradation analysis method to create the model - ponents regression forecast model to faciptate to evaluate it prehensivly from o aspects of quantity and quapty analysis . by the model , we may find out primary factors of affecting financial states of paany , and manage and control financial exposure objectivly
本文按照企業資金循環與周轉的各個環節,從定性分析和定量分析兩個方面分析財務風險的種類及影響財務風險大小的相關風險因素,并從我國企業的實際情況出發,運用層次分析法建立了有利于綜合評價我國企業財務風險的模型? ?多元回歸預測模型,通過該模型,可以找出影響企業財務狀況的主要因素,從而有針對性的管理與防范控制財務風險。


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