
Posted 壮语




Zhuang is the most populous ethnic minority, the end of 2008 the total population of 5049 million in the whole region, the end of 2008 the resident population of 4816 people. Mainly distributed in Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong and Guizhou provinces. Zhuang can not help any animal to eat meat such as pork, beef, mutton, chicken, ducks, geese, and some areas do not eat dog meat, but also loves to eat dog meat in some areas. Typical food: Zhuang, many well-known dishes and snacks, including: true features bar, sashimi, suckling pig, flower glutinous rice dumpling Ningming Zhuang, champion the white dog meat cutting, strong home-fried chicken, clear turn against dogs, Long pump three folders. Zhuang clothing mainly blue, black, brown three colors. Zhuang women have the habit of planting cotton spinning, spinning, weaving, dyeing is a cottage industry.。


壮语简介 壮族作为一个民族,它重要的基本特征就是有本民族的共通语言——壮语。





Zhuang IntroductionZhuang, as a nation, it is important to have this basic feature is the nation\'s mon language - Zhuang. Zhuang is a beautiful language with a long history, which is the Zhuang people for thousands of years of mon life, production and struggle to create. As a long time to get along with the Han , Zhuang absorbing language to enrich themselves. But the Zhuang people are very aware of the value to protect their own language, so Zhuang basic vocabulary and basic grammar has its own characteristics. Zhuang was distributed to many parts of the southwest, language is very much the same language root change very little.According to the domestic general view, the Zhuang language belongs to Sino-Tibetan languages in the Zhuang-Dong, Zhuang and Dai language branch. Zhuang language is a problem however, is still controversial, foreign views largely considered to be Taiwan - Jia Dai language, given the relative language cognates are the only evidence, belongs to Taiwan - Jia Dai language belongs to the view that the Sino-Tibetan languages have more than basis. Zhuang broadly divided into two major north-south dialect, 12 dialect areas, but voice, grammar, vocabulary, etc. to see the consistency of its content is also relatively large.Its internal branches are as follows: Yong northern dialect, Red River dialect, Liujiang dialect, northern Guangxi dialect, Youjiang dialect, Guangxi border dialect, Qiu Northern dialect, Hill dialect; Yong in Southern dialect, left River dialect, dialect De Jing, Yan Canton dialect, Wen Ma dialect. 壮族文字由来 壮族先民在长期的生产实践和社会活动中,为了便于记事和进行交流,在商周时期就创造了刻划文字符号。这种文字在壮族创世史诗《布洛陀》中称为sawgoek,意为本源书,即最古老的文字。






它表明壮族的文字历史悠久,并随着时代的前进又发展到了一个新的阶段。 拼音壮文是在本世纪5O年代创造的。



Origin of Zhuang languageZhuang ancestors in the long-term production practice and social activities, in order to facilitate the exchange notes and, in the Shang and Zhou dynasties carved on creating a text message. Such a word in the Zhuang creation epic "Buluotuo" called sawgoek, meaning origin books, that is the most ancient text. From the Warring States Period to Han Dynasty unearthed in Guangxi artifacts seen, this depicts the symbol began to sketch the outline of the physical image, there is 。


壮族语言文化 Zhuang Language and Culture 壮语属汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支。


195年,党和政府曾帮助壮族创制了一种以拉丁字母为基础的壮文,但未在境内壮族中推广,至今仍用汉文。 建国以来,壮族子女上学读书的逐年增多。


Zhuang is a Sino-Tibetan language family Zhuang Zhuang-Dong Dai language branch. Zhuang exercises in the northern dialect, language and Wuming, Guangxi, Nanning regional similarities. Southern Song Dynasty when the characters of the shape, sound and meaning-based, he created a "Tusu word" used to write scriptures, poems, notes and so on, due to the use of a narrow range, not widely spread. 195 years, the party and the government has helped create a kind of Zhuang to the Zhuang language based on the Latin alphabet, but not in the territory of Zhuang ethnic group in the promotion, still using .Since the founding, Zhuang their children to school to study increasing year by year. In 1990, the county has Master Zhuang 1, university graduates 1, university graduates of four, eight secondary school graduates, high school graduates 18, 146 junior high school graduates. Some of them have bee the party and government leading cadres at all levels, some professional sectors of the business backbone. 境内壮族民间文学主要是口头流传的《创世纪》、《人祖起源》、《谷物起源》以及记述山川河流、日月星辰等自然变化现象和人间悲欢离合等神话、传说、故事、歌谣。壮族男女老少都能歌善唱,逢年过节,婚丧嫁娶,起房盖屋等节庆场合,都能听到对歌声,如果不会对歌,则往往处于尴尬境地。

如婚嫁时,女家门口设张桌子,双方以桌为界对歌,如男家赢了,讨亲的可从桌子上进屋,输了就得从桌下爬。 常用的乐器有笛子、喷呐、口弦等。






Zhuang folk literature is mainly within the oral tradition of the "Genesis", "human ancestors originated," "Grain of origin" as well as accounts of mountains and rivers, sun, moon and stars and other natural phenomena and human joys and sorrows and other changes in myths, legends, stories, songs. Zhuang men and women can be good songs to sing, New Year, weddings and funerals, build houses from the Housing festive occasions, can hear the right songs, if not singing in antiphonal style, are often in an awkward position. Such as marriage, the women set up tables at the door, the two sides is bounded by singing in antiphonal style tables, such as the groom\'s win, and discuss the pro\'s can be from a desk inside, lost have to crawl from under the table.monly used instruments are flute, spray-na, mouth and other strings. Festive occasions, with the flute, white matter blown call na, young men and women playing the mouthpiece teaser string. In addition, the blowing Kiba is also very popular in the Zhuang ethnic group.Arts and crafts, mainly sculpture, embroidery, batik and so on. Stone carving points, two kinds of wood. There tombstones stone flower and bird designs, such as "two women Hsien-shou", "Two Dragons Fighting Bao", "Golden Chicken Fire," "Shuangshi gatekeeper" and the village before the lions, tigers and so on. Wood is mainly musical instruments, appliances, decorative patterns on, pattern, there are carved lions and dogs and other animal models, pressing sugar cane, brown sugar, boil when the lion made of sugar, sugar sold or sent to friends and family dog. Embroidery is the Zhuang women\'s traditional handicrafts, but also one of the criteria to measure women\'s wisdom and intelligence. From infancy Doudu, faded release, 。


壮语简介 壮族作为一个民族,它重要的基本特征就是有本民族的共通语言——壮语。





Zhuang IntroductionZhuang, as a nation, it is important to have this basic feature is the nation\'s mon language - Zhuang. Zhuang is a beautiful language with a long history, which is the Zhuang people for thousands of years of mon life, production and struggle to create. As a long time to get along with the Han , Zhuang absorbing language to enrich themselves. But the Zhuang people are very aware of the value to protect their own language, so Zhuang basic vocabulary and basic grammar has its own characteristics. Zhuang was distributed to many parts of the southwest, language is very much the same language root change very little.According to the domestic general view, the Zhuang language belongs to Sino-Tibetan languages in the Zhuang-Dong, Zhuang and Dai language branch. Zhuang language is a problem however, is still controversial, foreign views largely considered to be Taiwan - Jia Dai language, given the relative language cognates are the only evidence, belongs to Taiwan - Jia Dai language belongs to the view that the Sino-Tibetan languages have more than basis. Zhuang broadly divided into two major north-south dialect, 12 dialect areas, but voice, grammar, vocabulary, etc. to see the consistency of its content is also relatively large.Its internal branches are as follows: Yong northern dialect, Red River dialect, Liujiang dialect, northern Guangxi dialect, Youjiang dialect, Guangxi border dialect, Qiu Northern dialect, Hill dialect; Yong in Southern dialect, left River dialect, dialect De Jing, Yan Canton dialect, Wen Ma dialect.壮族文字由来 壮族先民在长期的生产实践和社会活动中,为了便于记事和进行交流,在商周时期就创造了刻划文字符号。这种文字在壮族创世史诗《布洛陀》中称为sawgoek,意为本源书,即最古老的文字。









Origin of Zhuang languageZhuang ancestors in the long-term production practice and social activities, in order to facilitate the exchange notes and, in the Shang and Zhou dynasties carved on creating a text message. Such a word in the Zhuang creation epic "Buluotuo" called sawgoek, meaning origin books, that is the most ancient text. From the Warring States Period to Han Dynasty unearthed in Guangxi artifacts seen, this depicts the symbol began to sketch the outline of the physical image, ther。






" Formerly known as "Shangsi Festival", the March 3rd Festival is a traditional festival observed by the Han people and a number of ethnic minority groups. In ancient times, the first Si day (according to the year numbering system by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches) was called "Shangsi" and celebrated as a festival. Most of the time, March 3rd of the lunar calendar happened to be a Si day. So, after the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Shangsi Festival was set on the third of lunar March and renamed "the March 3rd Festival". Originally March 3rd was more focused on religious activities to ward off disaster and keep evil spirits at bay as well as to pray for having children. The activities included sacrificial rituals in honor of Goddess Gao Mei, "Fu Xi" (a bathing ritual) and get-togethers attended by young men and women etc.

Gao Mei is the Goddess of Marriage and Childbearing. People would pray her for childbearing through sacrificial rituals. Meanwhile, "Fu Xi" was carried out to get rid of ailments by bathing. It was believed to cure women\'s infertility. And get-togethers through spring outings provided a chance for young men and women to get to know each other and to seek future significant others. Such gatherings were also aimed at marriage and childbearing. In addition, activities like floating eggs, dates and wine cups on the river were also held. "


南宁民俗风情 广西素有“歌海”之称,是壮族歌仙刘三姐的故乡,刘三姐是壮族人心目中美与爱、智慧与才能的化身。

壮族人民历来都有唱山歌的习俗,每逢节日及重大节庆活动都以唱山歌的方式互相交流,传情达意。 农历的三月三是壮族传统的歌圩,在这一天许多壮家姑娘、小伙甚至是上年纪的老人都会在田间山坡上相互对唱山歌,或以歌定情,或以歌会友。

他们带着节前已做好的五色糯饭和彩蛋,先祭祀歌仙刘三姐的神像,祈求她赐予歌才。 从1993年起,广西在“三月三”歌节的基础上,每年在首府南宁举办“广西国际民歌节”,广邀国内外艺术家和各界人士参加民歌盛会。

1999年起,每届民歌节仍由区政府主办,但分别在各个城市举办。 南宁聚居着壮、汉、苗、瑶、侗、毛南等三十多个民族,其中壮族占人口的64%,达170多万。



壮族有自己的语言文字,他们能够唱出最美丽的山歌,传说中的刘三姐身上集中体现了壮族人民喜唱山歌、勤劳智慧的形象。 在漫长历史中,壮族与其他兄弟民族、特别是汉族人民不断融合,团结友好地生活在祖国的南部边陲。


原始时代 今壮族聚居的右江河谷地带,已发现多处六七十万年前古人类活动留下的旧石器时代遗址,其中有不少文化遗物。


这些古人类的体质特征,大体是头部颧骨较大而且前突,鼻骨低而宽,鼻梁稍凹,上门齿呈铲形等,属南方蒙古人种,与现代壮族人的体质特征相似,而与其他民族相距甚远,说明了他们就是现代壮族的原始祖先,壮族的先民是广西乃至整个岭南地区最早的土著,也是中国历史上民族的主体很少迁徙的民族之一。 百越时代(公元前16世纪之前) 相当于汉族的商、周时期,包括壮族先民在内的百粤民族集团广泛分布于长江以南的广袤地区。



西瓯骆越时期(公元前16世纪--23年) 公元前221年,秦始皇统一六国以后,派尉屠骓率领50万大军,兵分五路,浩浩荡荡地向岭南进发。 与东路进军一直很顺利的情况相反,从西路的进军途中,遇到了壮族直系先民西瓯人的坚决抵抗。


(《淮南子》卷十八《人间训》) 为了扭转惨败局面,秦始皇下令开凿著名的灵渠,保证了秦军后备力量和粮草的源源不断供应,经过几年的激烈战斗,到公元前214年,秦军最后打败了西瓯的武装力量,终于统一了岭南,设置桂林、南海、象三郡,派官吏进行统治。 接着从中原派来一些华夏族的劳动人民到岭南地区“与越杂处”,壮族先民地区进入了短暂的郡县时代。



南越国的首都“番禺”(今广州),其实是古越语[ba:n3 ηjoi5]的译音,是“大村”的意思,这和现代壮语是有对应关系的。 汉武帝时期,南越国内部相互倾轧,公元前112年西汉王朝重新出兵岭南,次年(前111年)打败南越国,将岭南重新划归到中原王朝的直接统治之下,分为苍梧、郁林、合浦、南海、珠崖、詹耳等九郡,郡之下分若干县,实行严密的统治,壮族历史上漫长的郡县时代真正开始了。

不过,毕竟岭南越族是一个骁勇不羁然而又十分分散的各个部落组成的,所以汉王朝吸取了赵佗“和绥百越”的经验,采用了“以其故俗治,毋赋税”的政策(《通鉴》卷二十一),因此相当长的一段时间里,西瓯、骆越民族社会内部原来的政治经济制度依然保存了下来。 即使这样,壮族先民们仍不断地起兵反抗汉王朝的统治,导致了东汉时期光武帝建武18年(公元42年)马援的南征。

俚僚时期(公元23年--1127年) 东汉末年中原大乱,全国出现了魏、蜀、吴三国鼎立局面,岭南地区分别属于吴国的荆、交二州管辖,当时苍梧越族人士变兄弟几个人分据南海、合浦等郡,称雄一时。 两晋到南北朝时期,岭南地区的郡县设置日益增加,封建统治者在桂东北局部地区设吏奉贡,加强了统治。

封建主义的因子逐渐在桂东北壮族地区产生。 俚人最早见于《后汉书·南蛮西南夷列传》:“列武十二年(36年),九真徼外蛮里张游,率种人慕化内属,封为归汉里君。


僚人的称呼在岭南的出现是在随唐时期,以后则是多俚僚连用。 公元589年,隋统一中原,进军岭南。





Sex: Female nationality: Zhuang nationality Special skill and hobby: Excels at the basketball, hobbyreading, likes the team cooperation Political appearance: Member Myself experience: 2,006 summer vacation once worked toMaC$donald, long holds the post of class\'s the elementary school tothe high school to amount to for 9 years, presently for class\'s inassistant squad leaders Foreign language proficiency: May carry on the everyday vocabularymunication with the person, has ordinary hears the read-writeability puter operation: The familiar use office software, accessesthe the receiving and dispatching mail, the typing speed is quick Self- appraisal (individual synopsis): Myself disposition lively openand bright, enterprise strong, adaptiveness strong, has the strongerleadership anization ability, the hobby is widespread, theattendance learns asked, is good at using usual share time todevelop the aspect of knowledge, the interpersonal relationship stillgood had the good personal connection, was teacher\'s primaryassistant。


壮族宗教 壮族宗教信仰简介








壮族“两粤宗师”生平简介 揭秘郑献甫


壮族“两粤宗师”生平简介 揭秘郑献甫







拿破仑英文简介  NapoleonI  ——EmperoroftheFrench  1769-1821  “Ambitionisnevercon

